I was nearly killed by olearyinternational driver

The problem is the data he has is in no way enough to trace neither the driver or the company. According to Mr G all he has is the notes taken down by the HATO officer on the spot of the accident.

From what I can say, driver’s name as spelled down by the HATO seems to be a bit of useless junk. Driver was supposed to be Polish, but it is no way that the name as given by Mr G is a real name in any Slavic language I know (and I know a few).

They did not wrote who the truck was belonging to… The policy number seems to be a complete crap as well. Only the reg number seems to be right, I had it checked with the family member who is a Polish Police officer, but due to data protection act he cannot give me any more information than just that such a number really exists in the database.

I was also looking on Polish forums, but nobody seems to know who the Polish trucks who pull O’Leary’s trailers belong to.

So if anyone meets one of the red Polish Axor tractor pulling O’Leary’s trailers, with the reg number WPI YEXX where ■■ are numbers, as I managed to find that there are several trucks with the series of numbers, pictures of some of them can be find in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=97158, please approach the driver and ask him what is the name of the company he is working for, and then let Mr G or me know, so I can just simply call them and speak with them to see if they have any records of such incident and if they can do anything to help him obtain his insurance payment by supplying relevant documentation etc.

The alternative is for Mr G just to contact British Police and push them to make an official enquiry of the owner of the truck involved to the Polish police, as it is the only way that they can issue such information (contrary to popular opinion on that forum it is not enough for me to buy my brother in law a bowl of bigos to break the law for me :grimacing: ). He can say that he is sure that the numbers are real (they might be some spelling mistakes in them as well, but as we already established that there is plenty of this trucks with subsequent numbers, it will at least give as the owner of that fleet).

Any help appreciated.

Are you trying to prejudice your “case” before it even gets off the internet and into the real world? Naming operators and drivers that you are accusing of breaking various laws and injuring you is a pretty stupid thing to do on an internet forum.

You then start another thread asking others to implicate themselves in your unsubstantiated claims.

What’s that about?

It’s half term again. :laughing:

Can Mr G not let this go and chalk it down to experience as its kinda getting a bit boring now…

I can’t believe that this is the first time the UK police need to trace a foreign reg number. Your ‘alternative option’ strikes me as exactly what he should do.

Walk into the local nick, explain that there was an accident and the driver has gone AWOL and you have the Polish number plate. It has to at least be worth a try, surely!?

del trotter:

Are you trying to prejudice your “case” before it even gets off the internet and into the real world? Naming operators and drivers that you are accusing of breaking various laws and injuring you is a pretty stupid thing to do on an internet forum.

You then start another thread asking others to implicate themselves in your unsubstantiated claims.

What’s that about?

It’s half term again. :laughing:
