I thought the euro was on its arse

Unless I’m misunderstanding, it is being suggested that to:

‘…Stimulate exports … means that we sell Rolls Royces to China while we ride bicycles ourselves… in the context of a British economy that will only be able to pay it’s citizens enough worthless money to cover the cost of an imported Chinese made bicycle while that worthless currency means that the Chinese will be able to afford to buy and run a Rolls (or a Merc) after they’ve changed their money into mickey mouse pounds or euros to buy it and dollars to buy the fuel to put in it … [within] … a backward communist economy that the hypocritical zb’s in the western governments and banks built up for them at the expense of our own…’

I don’t begrudge overseas citizens buying & running Rolls Royces or Merc’s (both as parented by Germans) whilst simultaneously realising that good quality cars are cheaper and widely available to the majority in the UK than during any previous age in history.

The factual matter that the UK decided to vote for a succession of different colours of government that went on to trash and gave away ‘British’ manufacturing industries from motorcars to chocolate confectionery is surely a side issue?

Why now pee ourselves off for reaping what ‘we’ve’ previously & blindly sown when an opportunity to save our financial skins by remaining independent of a sinking currency, ie, by dismissing all further notions of baling out the EU & it’s toy-town currency remains within our grasp?

What pee’s me off is being the World’s supposed saviour, at huge domestic cost when a lot of foreigners hate us. It aint hearts & minds that we should be baling out, it’s arguably our own sense of pride, welfare & any vestige of a hitherto quality of life via keeping our £££’s to ourselves for our purposes.

‘…we’re being ruled by a bunch of lobotomised brainwashed bankers who were all educated at the same place instead of being able to think for themselves…’

I understand this current financial pickle is because bankers only and solely thought of themselves whilst the consequences were ignored by both them and the Labour government that was too feeble to show real leadership when the times were supposedly rosey but in reality were ■■■■■■■■■■■■ us into this debt crunch.

Remember ‘…No more boom and bust…’ (G. Brown - then the Chancellor & supposedly gifted wunderkind), ‘free credit’ and 100% mortgages anyone?

Happy Keith:
Unless I’m misunderstanding, it is being suggested that to:

‘…Stimulate exports … means that we sell Rolls Royces to China while we ride bicycles ourselves… in the context of a British economy that will only be able to pay it’s citizens enough worthless money to cover the cost of an imported Chinese made bicycle while that worthless currency means that the Chinese will be able to afford to buy and run a Rolls (or a Merc) after they’ve changed their money into mickey mouse pounds or euros to buy it and dollars to buy the fuel to put in it … [within] … a backward communist economy that the hypocritical zb’s in the western governments and banks built up for them at the expense of our own…’

I don’t begrudge overseas citizens buying & running Rolls Royces or Merc’s (both as parented by Germans) whilst simultaneously realising that good quality cars are cheaper and widely available to the majority in the UK than during any previous age in history.

The factual matter that the UK decided to vote for a succession of different colours of government that went on to trash and gave away ‘British’ manufacturing industries from motorcars to chocolate confectionery is surely a side issue?

Why now pee ourselves off for reaping what ‘we’ve’ previously & blindly sown when an opportunity to save our financial skins by remaining independent of a sinking currency, ie, by dismissing all further notions of baling out the EU & it’s toy-town currency remains within our grasp?

What pee’s me off is being the World’s supposed saviour, at huge domestic cost when a lot of foreigners hate us. It aint hearts & minds that we should be baling out, it’s arguably our own sense of pride, welfare & any vestige of a hitherto quality of life via keeping our £££’s to ourselves for our purposes.

It’s the fact that British industry and the banks have decided to give away the domestic economy to the communists in the ‘free market global economy’ in the rush for cheap labour that is the issue.

I certainly do begrudge foreign buyers in so called ‘developing countries’ like China etc being able to afford to buy a Rolls (and what remains of British industry)etc considering that the money that they’ve used to buy it with has directly,or indirectly,one way or another, been taken from the developed western economies by western investment in building up their backward economies,not earnt by their own endeavors.It’s a bit late now to be saying let’s keep our pounds to ourselves.

The issue of our membership of the EU (as it was when we joined not the new global version which will soon include Mongolia at this rate of expansion) is the side issue,although just as important,in the context of why it is that the western economies are in the state they’re in.

Ex Haulier:
The euro is strong because the ECB is raising interest rates. They will almost certainly raise again next week. The Bank of England is holding rates down at abnormally low levels even though inflation is (take your pick) between 5 and 8%. This is effectively devaluing the pound. The BOE are frightened to death that if they put rates up (which they should) millions who have over borrowed will default on there mortgage. They also seem to think that it will allow GB plc to become more competitive and export more. So the answer is it’s a deliberate policy to weaken sterling. Good time to be earning euro’s though.

The BoE lower interest rates to control inflation from rising, why would raising them do the same thing?

The pound has been devalued by QE (printing money)


Nice try Wheel Nut,

The best way to beat your enemy is to recognise who your enemy is in the first place.

That headline in your jpeg came out when I was a kid. Buy a copy tomorrow and read it carefully. Eventually you will see what I mean.


I’ll believe it when I see the German and French government saying on the BBC news that they are leaving the EU and starting up a new one with just them as members and with the old Franc and Mark brought back as currency. :open_mouth: :laughing:

You will notice on your french till reciepts that the total is in Euro’s and FFR proof if needed that they have their original currency waiting in the wings.

How does the SUN, News of the World and News International fare today?

Hollie and Jessica, Milly Dowler, Prince Harry :open_mouth:

Could those girls have still been alive today?

All for what? a slimy story to sell copy

You will notice on your french till reciepts that the total is in Euro’s and FFR proof if needed that they have their original currency waiting in the wings.

Because some of us still speak in pre decimal, 10 bob is still 50p, Germans still convert Euros into Marks and we still show bridge heights in feet and metres.

It gives the financial markets a guideline to judge the strength or weaknesses against the CHF, USD or YEN

How much diesel have you bought in Belgium and seen on the receipt BEF?

Since the Euro came in that is when

Wheel Nut:

You will notice on your french till reciepts that the total is in Euro’s and FFR proof if needed that they have their original currency waiting in the wings.

Because some of us still speak in pre decimal, 10 bob is still 50p, Germans still convert Euros into Marks and we still show bridge heights in feet and metres.

It gives the financial markets a guideline to judge the strength or weaknesses against the CHF, USD or YEN

You can get the Euro/Franc exchange rate on your phone in France , its about 6.3FFR to the Euro :open_mouth: :open_mouth:


Wheel Nut:

You will notice on your french till reciepts that the total is in Euro’s and FFR proof if needed that they have their original currency waiting in the wings.

Because some of us still speak in pre decimal, 10 bob is still 50p, Germans still convert Euros into Marks and we still show bridge heights in feet and metres.

It gives the financial markets a guideline to judge the strength or weaknesses against the CHF, USD or YEN

You can get the Euro/Franc exchange rate on your phone in France , its about 6.3FFR to the Euro :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

It was always so,

From 1 January 1999, the value exchange rate of the French franc against the euro was set at a fixed parity of 1 EUR=6.55957 FRF. Euro coins and notes replaced the franc entirely between 1 January and 17 February 2002.

So what about News International and the scummy newspapers?

I bow to your superior knowledge .

The Daily mail…great for a laugh
today they wrote, China may have stopped global warming by burning so much coal. :smiley:


Ex Haulier:
The euro is strong because the ECB is raising interest rates. They will almost certainly raise again next week. The Bank of England is holding rates down at abnormally low levels even though inflation is (take your pick) between 5 and 8%. This is effectively devaluing the pound. The BOE are frightened to death that if they put rates up (which they should) millions who have over borrowed will default on there mortgage. They also seem to think that it will allow GB plc to become more competitive and export more. So the answer is it’s a deliberate policy to weaken sterling. Good time to be earning euro’s though.

The BoE lower interest rates to control inflation from rising, why would raising them do the same thing?

The pound has been devalued by QE (printing money)

Your a bit mixed up there mate. No one ever controlled inflation by lowering rates. This from the BOE website explains better than i can.

bankofengland.co.uk/educatio … lation.htm

bankofengland.co.uk/educatio … lation.htm
That explaination is about as clear as the governments ‘plan’ to get us out of recession.
Interest rate changes are a vague way of controlling inflation, maybe. All I know is the BoE were dropping the rate to prevent inflation rising, now theyre at bottom they can only hold them there or raise them.
The savers are suffering and they were the ones who were prudent, resisting the pressure to borrow money (the loans being what got us into this mess in the first place)
A debt based economy doesnt work if no one pays the money back.

I’m sorry mate. I agree with most of what you say but there is no way they they ever cut rates to fight inflation. They cut rates to fight deflation. Think of it as cheap money causes inflation.

Wheel Nut:
How does the SUN, News of the World and News International fare today?

Hollie and Jessica, Milly Dowler, Prince Harry :open_mouth:

Could those girls have still been alive today?

All for what? a slimy story to sell copy

On the back foot I should think.

I never said I liked ‘The Sun’ just that I am aware of its power.Have you noticed that Tuesdays copy carried no mention of the phone hacking story? I have heard on the ‘Today’ programme that ‘The Sun’ is the only major paper not to have the story on the front page this morning.

You will see that the other NI newspapers will turn on Ms Brookes and the “Detective” who did the hacking. I wonder if she will see the week out?


‘…The BoE lower interest rates to control inflation from rising, why would raising them do the same thing…?’

Aren’t there two separate entities at play here?

Maybe separate the dynamics of international exchange rates and domestic interest rates - although both have an effect the Big Picture to eventually shaft us, etc.

At least the UK’s daily £48,000,000/day gift to the EU (yes, 48 million pounds per day) is worth less than if we were minted.

Ex Haulier:
I’m sorry mate. I agree with most of what you say but there is no way they they ever cut rates to fight inflation. They cut rates to fight deflation. Think of it as cheap money causes inflation.

Fair point but cheap money got us into this problem in the first place and we didnt have big inflation as a result.
Obviously many factors affect many parts of the economy but, having nowhere to go but up with interest rates, can only be a bad thing.

‘…Fair point but cheap money got us into this problem in the first place and we didnt have big inflation as a result…’

Eh? I recall house prices going up like hotel fines on a Monopoly board.

Happy Keith:

‘…Fair point but cheap money got us into this problem in the first place and we didnt have big inflation as a result…’

Eh? I recall house prices going up like hotel fines on a Monopoly board.

True enough but cheap money caused that rise in house prices but the base inflation was still low, house prices are falling now but inflation is still rising, we have yet to see the levels of inflation we had in the 70’s.

The reason we had that period of low rates and low inflation, causing people to pile into property was a one word reason, China. It was a period when the price of nearly everything fell. It was a one off, prices of everything coming out of China are going only one way now, up.