I thought the euro was on its arse

I’m enjoying this,

Fellas, I’m on your side. I am trying to get you to see that ‘The Sun’ is written so cleverly that it influences what you think even if you glimpse at it at a burger van when you have a brew tomorrow morning.

Why do you think Mrs Thatcher had her feet up on the desk in the Editors Office at The Sun during her election campaign in '79?

Why on earth did Tony Blair grovel to Murdoch in '97?

If you listen to the Political Editor of The Sun in interview on the ‘Today’ programme he can cut through John Humphries like a knife through butter. There isn’t a Politician in the Country that can do that.

Buy a copy tomorrow folks and see what I’m trying to say.



Yep, vital information only. Serious journalism at its best :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :unamused:

They can’t even get that right it would’nt have been illegal even if they were first cousins. :laughing:

I’m enjoying this,

Fellas, I’m on your side. I am trying to get you to see that ‘The Sun’ is written so cleverly that it influences what you think even if you glimpse at it at a burger van when you have a brew tomorrow morning.

Why do you think Mrs Thatcher had her feet up on the desk in the Editors Office at The Sun during her election campaign in '79?

Why on earth did Tony Blair grovel to Murdoch in '97?

If you listen to the Political Editor of The Sun in interview on the ‘Today’ programme he can cut through John Humphries like a knife through butter. There isn’t a Politician in the Country that can do that.

Buy a copy tomorrow folks and see what I’m trying to say.


Kelvin Mackenzie was the editor when Margaret was having tea and biscuits, the same Kelvin Mackenzie who stood by his Liverpool / Hillsborough story, the same bloke who almost stood to take David Davis’s government seat in Howden and Haltemprice. He also supported the police and the government during the miners strike.

Can you remember which year The Sun changed their allegiance to the other political party?

I never buy the sun, I sometimes flick through it in the pub, it takes about 15 minutes to read from cover to cover, it supports our boys and it supports Britain abroad. but it is not a serious media.

This is a famous quote by Mackenzie, (the autocensor word rhymes with bogs)

You just don’t understand the readers, do you, eh? He’s the bloke you see in the pub, a right old fascist, wants to send the ■■■■ back, buy his poxy council house, he’s afraid of the unions, afraid of the Russians, hates the queers and the weirdos and drug dealers. He doesn’t want to hear about that stuff (serious news).

What you fail to see is WheelNut, is that the Politicians are doing what pleases ‘The Sun’ not the other way round.

‘The Sun’ represents big business intrests more than any political party. Especially Murdochs buisness intrests.

‘The Sun’ supports ‘our boys’ in Afghan because Murdoch needs a stable Pakistan (as we all do). Have you ever noticed tha the paper is fairly cool over Lybia? Unless there is a ripping head line that might sell another ten thousand copies.

Do you remember Rupert Murdochs criticism of the Dali Lama (spelling)? Was it “a high priest in Gucci loafers” He didn’t say that because he cares about Tibetan monks. He said it because he cares about what China thinks about Tibetan monks.

You have fallen into the trap of thinking the way that many intelligent people think that ‘The Sun’ is lightweight rubbish of no real political value.

I urge you to read it again with a
more careful eye.


PS. I hate writing posts with a ■■■■■■■ telephone, it must take twice as long as it should. Please excuse the typos.

What you fail to see is WheelNut, is that the Politicians are doing what pleases ‘The Sun’ not the other way round.

‘The Sun’ represents big business intrest more than any political party. Do you remember Rupert Murdochs criticism of the Dali Lama (spelling)? Was it “a high priest in Gucci loafers” He didn’t say that because he cares about Tibetan monks. He said it because he cares about what China thinks about Tibetan monks.

You have fallen into the trap of thinking the way that many intelligent people think that ‘The Sun’ is lightweight rubbish of no real political value. I urge you to read it again with a more careful eye


Sorry. I think we should agree to disagree.

I read the Telegraph in hard copy. I read the BBC online, watch channel 4 and BBC news. Occasionally I listen to SKY news.

The politicians will try to please the populace, they use the tabloids to convince people what they are doing is right. The old guard used to disagree with absolutely everything the opposition did. I believe the new administration and its new opposition are more user friendly. They do have something in common though, they say exactly what the man on the Gildersome omnibus wants to hear, whatever they are really doing behind closed doors.

I read in the Daily Express that Diana’s titled brother had just remarried, they even managed to get a picture of the Alma Tunnel and the crashed Mercedes in the happy announcement of his nuptials…

What you fail to see is WheelNut, is that the Politicians are doing what pleases ‘The Sun’ not the other way round.

‘The Sun’ represents big business intrest more than any political party. Do you remember Rupert Murdochs criticism of the Dali Lama (spelling)? Was it “a high priest in Gucci loafers” He didn’t say that because he cares about Tibetan monks. He said it because he cares about what China thinks about Tibetan monks.

You have fallen into the trap of thinking the way that many intelligent people think that ‘The Sun’ is lightweight rubbish of no real political value. I urge you to read it again with a more careful eye


You mean that the sun would’nt support our troops if they were sent into liberate Tibet from Chinese rule. :open_mouth: And it would’nt support the imposition of trade barriers and uk withdrawal from the global free market economy.Blimey that’s a surprise.

It all depends on the definition of intelligent people.The fact is the government could’nt care less what the Sun thinks because it already knows that the so called clever British acedemic classes are’nt bright enough to understand the meaning of intelligence anyway. :open_mouth: :laughing:

I’m sorry that I have edited my post since your replies and quotes fellas.

Personally I prefer the Daily Telegraph myself, the Obituries remind me of my old days in the mob and I like the cartoons.

No matter what else gets posted tonight I bet you both look a bit more carefully at the Current Bun if you see one tomorrow.

Goodnight lads, W

I’m sorry that I have edited my post since your replies and quotes fellas.

Personally I prefer the Daily Telegraph myself, the Obituries remind me of my old days in the mob and I like the cartoons.

Goodnight lads, W

Funnily enough, the obits is the first thing I read, if I am not mentioned I read the rest of the newspaper throughout the day :laughing:


Whatever you might think of it ‘The Sun’ is the most influencial and effective newspaper in the UK.
It is written by the most expert and best paid Journalists in Europe. If you think that it is simply a ‘rag for the masses’ you are actually more foolish than your posts.



what will the Sun cost if the Euro fails?

The Sun is probably the most influential paper in the UK. But only because it is effective as a means of controlling the masses who are stupid enough to believe everything they read in it.

The Sun and Mirror are not too bad, the Star and sport are rubbish, I prefer the Telegraph or the Times, better quality paper, not so many splinters when you wipe your arse on them, because that is about all the money grabbing,rags are useful for. I can’t remember the last time I bought a newspaper.
If, I’m bored while waiting in a tosco waiting room for 3 hours, I might just look at the three day old copy that is lying ( using both meanings of the word!) around

got a good Idea for the Sun/mirror/star/sport to sell more papers. Give away a free pair of tweezers with each copy to pull the splinters out! :open_mouth: :laughing:

The Sun is not a newspaper, it’s a comic. Personally I prefer the Beano, far more intellectual :open_mouth:


What is it they say ?. The Times is read by the people who run the country. The Fianacial Times is read by the people who own the country. The Telegraph is read by the people who think they should run the country, and the people who read The Sun don’t care who runs the country, as long as they have big t*ts.

The Sun is probably the most influential paper in the UK. But only because it is effective as a means of controlling the masses who are stupid enough to believe everything they read in it.

That is what I have been saying.

If anybody dismisses ‘The Sun’ as a rag for idiots who do not care about the political world around them, they might be right.

If anyone thinks ‘The Sun’ is a rag written by idiots they are sorely wrong.

Every sentance in that paper is designed to sell somthing of commercial or political value to News International. All written for a readership with the average reading age of a seven year old.

All I’m saying is that next time you see a copy at the butty van, look at it with a little more care.


‘… the exchange rate shows a strong euro…?’

I understood that the pound sterling was being undervalued against the euro in order to:

a) Stimulate exports :smiley:

b) Enable the UK’s consistently pro-EU government to one day ‘suggest’ that since the £ is almost on parity with the euro then Britain may as well join it :frowning:

Edited to make better sense (?)

I thought it was pretty good, you can get 5 euros working for you for £1 an hour

Happy Keith:

‘… the exchange rate shows a strong euro…?’

I understood that the pound was being undervalued in order to both:

a) Stimulate exports :smiley:

b) Enable the succession of pro-EU of UK governments one day ‘suggest’ that since the mighty £ is almost on parity with the Euro then Britain may as well join in :frowning:

The problem with that policy is that we’re being ruled by a bunch of lobotomised brainwashed bankers who were all educated at the same place instead of being able to think for themselves.So we’ve got the worst of all worlds in that the pound is worth zb all and the euro is too it’s just that everyone believes that the euro is worth as much as,or a bit more than,a pound because that’s what they’ve been told by those who (think) they know better but which the Greeks have proved it really is’nt :open_mouth: .

But while the pound is devalued to almost worthless Italian Lira levels we’re stupid enough to let them pay incomes at it’s old values while prices are running at it’s new worthless levels.Stimulate exports in that context means that we sell Rolls Royces to China while we ride bicycles ourselves. :open_mouth: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

‘…Stimulate exports … means that we sell Rolls Royces to China while we ride bicycles ourselves…’

That’s about right (noting that the Chinese make the bikes albeit without the mudguards that they have on their own in order for their export fodder to appeal as passing fashion accessories to the UK obese who proceed to hoard them in a shed after half-heartedly buying them ‘cheap’ and riding them once on a soon to wane & wet-arsed whim).

Happy Keith:

‘…Stimulate exports … means that we sell Rolls Royces to China while we ride bicycles ourselves…’

That’s about right (noting that the Chinese make the bikes albeit without the mudguards that they have on their own in order for their export fodder to appeal as passing fashion accessories to the UK obese who proceed to hoard them in a shed after half-heartedly buying them ‘cheap’ and riding them once on a soon to wane & wet-arsed whim).

I meant bicycles not in the context of fashion accessories more in the context of a British economy that will only be able to pay it’s citizens enough worthless money to cover the cost of an imported Chinese made bicycle while that worthless currency means that the Chinese will be able to afford to buy and run a Rolls (or a Merc) after they’ve changed their money into mickey mouse pounds or euros to buy it and dollars to buy the fuel to put in it.

All built on a backward communist economy that the hypocritical zb’s in the western governments and banks built up for them at the expense of our own. :imp: