I think your bonkers

That’s what I will let you know.
I put an advert in driver vacancies and was emailed to say it does not meet forum guidelines, which are, you can place a post if you are a forum member and know of a vacancy at your place of work but it seems as a forum member having a driver vacancy in your own business it is not allowed.
You need to remember that members are a forum and trying to extract revenue from any which way you think possible has led to the downfall of a few places.
I wont let the door hit me too hard on the way out.

but it seems as a forum member having a driver vacancy in your own business it is not allowed.

Your a business- you have bills to pay yes?
Well so do we.

Your a business that provides something and charges for that service ?- that’s business yes? do your customers spit their dummy out when asked to pay for the service you provide?- how much do you give them for nothing
Your a business that needs something? We provide access to what you need and make a charge to companies to help pay our bills. but we should provide that for free? that’s not business thats a quick way to run out of money and the website close.

But as I have said many times before - we are always willing to do a contra deal- where no cash changes hands… we have many events each year which require transport - you provide transport (your core business) for all our stuff free of charge where/when we need it - and we will give you total access to recruit drivers on here free of charge (our core business)- or does this free stuff only go one way?

and trying to extract revenue from any which way you think possible

In the nearly 5 years you have been a member and used this website totaly free of charge, as a member not a business, have we asked you for money?

I don’t think we are bonkers in that we provide 99% of this website for free - and we ask other commercial business’s to pay for the services they require.

The moral of the story is that if I had a job going, I would ask by word of mouth rather than offering it to a TruckNet member.

Harry Monk:
The moral of the story is that if I had a job going, I would ask by word of mouth rather than offering it to a TruckNet member.

Yeah dozy might answer it :grimacing:

There are some good gaffers on here, that employ decent drivers that they’ve recruited from here. :wink:

There are some good gaffers on here, that employ decent drivers that they’ve recruited from here. :wink:

That’s true bigvern, but there are also some that didn’t work out quite so well.

The main point is that whilst TN is free for everybody to use, there are significant costs to the owners that have to be met from somewhere.
After those costs are covered, there still needs to be something extra left in the pot for when upgrades, bug-fixing and general maintenance are needed, otherwise the whole lot could go off-air so to say.

I’m pretty sure that the good gaffers on TN realise the bigger picture when it comes to the economics of running a business.