Evening Gentlemen, well, after the prelude of the Hay, the early Spuds…and the anxiety, and tension, of the inspection by the various, “youthfull”, purchasing “experts”, from the “Housewives friend” , (the Supermarket chains that hide their true , “■■■■ Turpin” identity so very well!!! (“we respect the aims of our valued producers”)…oh like hell they do…have BMW secured the right to supply 1 series to all these “know alls”)…but now were into the serious job…the Harvest…and like the Spuds to come she looks good…
So, what is wrong?
Well. As some may know I am of , (rapidly), advancing years…n`owt wrong with that…but like Mr Meldrew, my bonnet should have a “bobble”, to wave to the wind, as my head nods in a regulated ratio to the annoyance caused to my Brain…what is left of it!
But what should cause such annoyance?
Everything, and nothing…just the same as drives each and everyone of you good Gentlemen right up the wall!!!..for are we not all, “Grumpy old men”…“ROFs”, ZBs,…et al…
So perhaps there is room, (or not), for such a thread as this…and it is open to all, whatever assails you…let it out…(and there seems much of such on the AEC V8 thread at the moment…but it could be anything at all…let us all enjoy it…
And to start it off…Today a very pleasant young man in a very smart DAF came to collect Wheat from out of my store…Seeing the rear of my LB76 he had a quick look, then rummaged in his cab and gave me a leaflet for the forthcoming, Shropshire Truck Show at Oswestry, saying," you should show her, its ONLY £35 to exhibit"!!!
Ye Gods, truly “I really d`ont believe it”…to pay to show your pride and joy, and for some slick operator to charge both you…and the paying public to look at your lorry…well, I never!
No wonder the industry is constantly had for a fool…
Over to you dear friends,…for I`m away to fill the Claas with “claret” for tomorrow looks good, (and myself with a modest amount of Bollinger perchance…
Cheerio for now.