I have a new friend

I can hand feed this fellow. Mind his beak, though.

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Forgive my ignorance but what type of bird is that?

If I’m correct a Laughing Kookaburra

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He is looking a tad lost, I used to have a pet emu years ago but he caused a lot of problems and was uncontrollable.

Some holiday snaps , you won’t believe the amount of problems there were to get a Russian visa.

Boom boom oh hang on that was a fox.

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Is that Basil from Fawlty Towers?


Yes a kookaburra, he’s not lost, he knows where the food is.

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Mind that birds big pecker.

Is that a guinea fowl too? Is it his/her food being stolen?

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No a scrub turkey. You can boil them for twelve hours, with a rock, then eat the rock.

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Did it attack a certain mr Parkinson :rofl::rofl:

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