I figured this probably should live here

It’s nothing big or scary or life changing, but I’ve recently started eating healthy and cut out the alcohol and smokes and spending sprees[so my bank balance gets healthy too :laughing: ]

The other day when out getting food shopping saw green tea bags reduced so got some as I’d heard they’re good for you etc. Had one tonight, tastes like shi, but one thing I’ve learnt in my no so many years on this planet, if it tastes like shi then it’s probably good for you.

Does anyone on here drink it, and what benefits if any have people found from drinking it■■?

benefits other than knowing your gag reflex is working :laughing:

i dont jon i havent tried it but ive drinking coffee and feel loads better… just gotta cut down on the tea now.

im still piling weight on at rate you wouldnt believe. im back at the doctors next week to see how my blood tests have gone.

Try the ones with mint in them, they still don’t taste as nice as ‘normal’ tea but it’s an improvement :laughing: