I expect that I shall be banned an soon

I have ‘rocked’ the boat and an therefore not acceptable to the administrators of the site.
I have questioned work ethics.
I have questioned workers hours.
I have suggested that I maybe psychotic…Thats the ‘pull’ line…I was only joking FFS!!
I have suggested that truckers may be lazy.
I have suggested that there may be abetter way of doing the job.
I have asked why the |Trucknet is here, amongst several other questions, they seem unable to answer…So I guess that I will be banned anytime soon…Sad realy, i really wanted a change for the better…

I have ‘rocked’ the boat and an therefore not acceptable to the administrators of the site.
I have questioned work ethics.
I have questioned workers hours.
I have suggested that I maybe psychotic…Thats the ‘pull’ line…I was only joking FFS!!
I have suggested that truckers may be lazy.
I have suggested that there may be abetter way of doing the job.
I have asked why the |Trucknet is here, amongst several other questions, they seem unable to answer…So I guess that I will be banned anytime soon…Sad realy, i really wanted a change for the better…

Why would you be banned? There’s nothing wrong with questioning things. Work ethics/hours/mental health or lazy truckers (everyones entitled to their opinion). In the case of hours or mental health issues though, they do have their own niche forum categories. What part of trucking do you want to change for the better?


I have ‘rocked’ the boat and an therefore not acceptable to the administrators of the site.
I have questioned work ethics.
I have questioned workers hours.
I have suggested that I maybe psychotic…Thats the ‘pull’ line…I was only joking FFS!!
I have suggested that truckers may be lazy.
I have suggested that there may be abetter way of doing the job.
I have asked why the |Trucknet is here, amongst several other questions, they seem unable to answer…So I guess that I will be banned anytime soon…Sad realy, i really wanted a change for the better…

Why would you be banned? There’s nothing wrong with questioning things. Work ethics/hours/mental health or lazy truckers (everyones entitled to their opinion). In the case of hours or mental health issues though, they do have their own niche forum categories. What part of trucking do you want to change for the better?

There is a credit crunch…Or as I like to refer to it as…a recession.
We need to make sure that we can work as effeciently as is possible within the law…Strikes me that some in the industry are a tad ‘workshy’ and use this as a way of having an easy life…We need to be as productive as possible to ensure that we all have jobs…It is not a ‘dig’ nor is it a ‘slight’ we all really need to ensure that we are doing all that we can to make our future secure…

Seems to me that the industry has been ‘slack’ of late and these practices need to be brought to an end…I am fed up with the bad news that is dogging the forums of late, we need to be pro-active and ensure that we are all doing the best that we can, not skiving off at every opportunity…

You could try replying to previous posts rather than starting new ones, I’m sure that would save you from banishment.

The bad news is everywhere , it’s not just exclusive to the transport industry.
Productivity for a small firm is never going to happen for now , the big firms have all the contracts wrapped and even they are suffering and having to make cuts in all sectors.
Tipping on break won’t save the economy although having your wages docked might :laughing:

There is a credit crunch…Or as I like to refer to it as…a recession.
We need to make sure that we can work as effeciently as is possible within the law…Strikes me that some in the industry are a tad ‘workshy’ and use this as a way of having an easy life…We need to be as productive as possible to ensure that we all have jobs…It is not a ‘dig’ nor is it a ‘slight’ we all really need to ensure that we are doing all that we can to make our future secure…

Seems to me that the industry has been ‘slack’ of late and these practices need to be brought to an end…I am fed up with the bad news that is dogging the forums of late, we need to be pro-active and ensure that we are all doing the best that we can, not skiving off at every opportunity…

I dare say there are lazy drivers, or indeed lazy workers of any job. Being productive in transport, or more productive is only part of the story though as we are only tools used by other industries.

Hmmmm trucking, well it’s like football, a funny old game, always has been and always will be

Why do people become truckers? different reasons i guess, some because that’s what they’ve always wanted to do, through to those who found it the easy route through life, the latter are the supermarket, fleet, shift workers who know nothing about real trucking

Why would you be banned for expressing your opinion, after all this is suppose to be a public general interest, free speech forum isn’t it!!?

These are the opions of Richiessex and are not necessaraly the opinions of Trucknetuk :wink:

Why do people become truckers?

Personally, because I’m too useless to do a proper job.

There is a credit crunch…Or as I like to refer to it as…a recession.
We need to make sure that we can work as effeciently as is possible within the law…Strikes me that some in the industry are a tad ‘workshy’ and use this as a way of having an easy life…We need to be as productive as possible to ensure that we all have jobs…It is not a ‘dig’ nor is it a ‘slight’ we all really need to ensure that we are doing all that we can to make our future secure…

Seems to me that the industry has been ‘slack’ of late and these practices need to be brought to an end…I am fed up with the bad news that is dogging the forums of late, we need to be pro-active and ensure that we are all doing the best that we can, not skiving off at every opportunity…

What a lot of nonsense, think your living in fantasy land.

So if every driver races about everywhere, tips on their break, the credit crunch isnt going to effect their bussiness. What a lot of nonsense.

Haulage moves goods about, its a by product of trade and bussiness, it can’t exist on its own. The current problems are because of a downturn in other bussinesses. Haulage is only going to pick up when other bussinesses start to need to shift more stuff about the country.

If one man starts hammering it about and is able to do the job of two men, guess what happens the company only employs one man. Thats the way it really works.

You want something to moan about , read this article , none of it is made up .I live and work there.Where I work is one of the last places still going , but even that work we do has dropped off big time now …

burtonmail.co.uk/burtonmail/ … ?ID=379772

I have ‘rocked’ the boat and an therefore not acceptable to the administrators of the site.
I have questioned work ethics.
I have questioned workers hours.
I have suggested that I maybe psychotic…Thats the ‘pull’ line…I was only joking FFS!!
I have suggested that truckers may be lazy.
I have suggested that there may be abetter way of doing the job.
I have asked why the |Trucknet is here, amongst several other questions, they seem unable to answer…So I guess that I will be banned anytime soon…Sad realy, i really wanted a change for the better…

Blimey, I logged on this morning and couldn’t find your posts; went into withdrawl and had to call nursie :open_mouth:

I dont think you’ll be banned old chum, you’re far too entertaining :slight_smile:

However, I would suggest that in order to keep your cudos you change the ‘suggested’ to ‘stated’ as there wasn’t a hint of a suggestion.

As to being psychotic ‘for a laff’ did that also include you issuing threats ‘for a laff’?

There are a myriad sectors of industry in which laziness can be seen, from the boadroom to the shop floor. In the midst of it are those who just want to keep their heads down, do the job and collect their pay. Bear in mind that realistic efficiency can sometimes be misconstrued as laziness. Simple enough.

Whilst you may want to change everything I can honestly say you do not inspire any confidence in me that you can do so. Maybe I’m wrong and the ranting was just a glitch in time.

It would be a shame if you were banned, because you, the racists and the homophobes remind me I’m not such a bad person after all.

In some thoughts you may be right. If the human race stopped its fascination for leaning on the weak and helpless, or fighting for some religious ideal or even plain greed; then ‘yes’, maybe we could all pull together to make a Utopian world. You know that wont happen.

Thank you, and long may you continue to post here. :slight_smile:

Harry Monk:

Why do people become truckers?

Personally, because I’m too useless to do a proper job.

You gotta love this mans honesty!!!

Me, i am too lazy too look for anything else…

From what I’ve read of yours you put up posts of your opinions which is what this site is here for, but then get all offended when somebody dissagees with you. :unamused:

You put a post in the PDF that doesn’t belong and get all offended when it gets moved to it’s correct part of the site. :unamused:

If you have a massive problem with Trucknet, then instead of posting suprious posts, why don’t you send Rikki or Lucy or any of the other Admins and PM outlining you greivences.

Or are you just one of those Drivers who stand in the yard shouting at how ■■■■ the company is, but goes quiet when the boss ask. :unamused:

Hi ATT. I’m the Admin with the unenviable job of overseeing these forums, but I am also a tramper and only got in last night.

I’ve moved your “Is trucking for me” thread back into the PDF now that things have had time to cool off. It was moved to give it that breathing space and to AVOID it reaching the point where it needed warning.

I’ve also answered your questions on your other post titled “Trucknet”, which is now in the Feedback Forum where it belongs…And where I am about to move this one to as well. :wink:

Sorry to disappoint you, but no ban yet. :stuck_out_tongue:

I have ‘rocked’ the boat and an therefore not acceptable to the administrators of the site.
I have questioned work ethics.
I have questioned workers hours.
I have suggested that I maybe psychotic…Thats the ‘pull’ line…I was only joking FFS!!
I have suggested that truckers may be lazy.
I have suggested that there may be abetter way of doing the job.
I have asked why the |Trucknet is here, amongst several other questions, they seem unable to answer…So I guess that I will be banned anytime soon…Sad realy, i really wanted a change for the better…

just do what suits you, dont worry about anyone but yourself , if you wanna tip on break, break the speedlimits, pay a fiver to get tiped quick do it .
but if you wanna spend all day in the bunk , tossing it off in laybys, driving everywhere at 10 mph below the limit do it.
i just do what suits me that day, week , ive no hard and fast rules just what suits at the time ,

but if you wanna spend all day in the bunk , tossing it off in laybys, driving everywhere at 10 mph below the limit do it.

Cheers ady, I will tell my boss that I have now received official authorisation for my workplace philosophy :wink: