I couldnt care less



jessicas dad:
frightning thing is carl dont drink. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

thats as may be, but he does have some extremely valid points, a few of his points are the reason why I rarely post, because reading the amount of bulls droppings that does tend to get posted just serves to wind me up so I just don´t bother



You’ve been saying this for years Paul but yet you keep coming back. :open_mouth: Surely out of TN, TW, OLT and LDF you can find one site that suits you? :open_mouth:

I don´t come back oh unobservant one :unamused: I just stay and watch and comment when I feel like it which if you research a tad more thouroughly you will see the amount of posts made by me against the time registered on the forum is really quite little

TW dont think I have reached more than about 20 posts on the caped crusaders site :laughing:
OLT can´t be bothered having to re do everything every few months because they want to change the layout
LDF is where I can usually be found

jessicas dad:
dont forget truckersplace

suprised you even know about that one :laughing: meant to be more info than chat




jessicas dad:
frightning thing is carl dont drink. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

thats as may be, but he does have some extremely valid points, a few of his points are the reason why I rarely post, because reading the amount of bulls droppings that does tend to get posted just serves to wind me up so I just don´t bother



You’ve been saying this for years Paul but yet you keep coming back. :open_mouth: Surely out of TN, TW, OLT and LDF you can find one site that suits you? :open_mouth:

I don´t come back oh unobservant one :unamused: I just stay and watch and comment when I feel like it which if you research a tad more thouroughly you will see the amount of posts made by me against the time registered on the forum is really quite little

TW dont think I have reached more than about 20 posts on the caped crusaders site :laughing:
OLT can´t be bothered having to re do everything every few months because they want to change the layout
LDF is where I can usually be found

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Funny but true. I think you secretly love it here but in true driver fashion you’re only happy when you’re moaning about something. :laughing: Or could it be that you’re stuck in the back of beyond in a country that’s rapidly going down the tubes with no hope for the future and it’s all getting a bit much for you? :stuck_out_tongue:

the reason for this post is theres so much [zb] on here its untrue who cares whos doin what and whos buying out what company if youve gotta job and you like it thats all that matters,a bit of advice to all you drivers YOU AINT GONNA CHANGE THIS INDUSTRY its been like since the hoss n cart so stop ya (zb) moaning about this firm did this this boss said this wheres the best place to keep my flask and i dont like them frilly curtains or all that bling and i aint doing nights out unless its a brandnew super trotter xxl 730 cuz i need to stand up to put me trousers on, oh and i want aircon cuz its now european law ,but the best one of all your just a DRIVER ffs please could all the kids pretending to be there truck driving dads stop posting bollox cuz this site used to be good, unfortunatley it should now be called [zb]uk.net.the funniest thing i heard the other day a driver said were classed as cheauffers in europe :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: ITS (zb) FRENCH FOR DRIVER YOU [zb] bye bye thanks for coming will the last member to leave please turn out the light

We are organising a march for those who just don’t care, we are calling it The Indifference March. Now I appreciate the irony in trying to organise a march for those who don’t care but it would be great if you could show your support and come along. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Funny but true. I think you secretly love it here but in true driver fashion you’re only happy when you’re moaning about something. :laughing: Or could it be that you’re stuck in the back of beyond in a country that’s rapidly going down the tubes with no hope for the future and it’s all getting a bit much for you? :stuck_out_tongue:

If I loved it I would get involved more often

stuck in the back of beyond ? obviously you have never been here ■■?

I have a standard of living that I would probably not have in the UK
When the grandchildren visit you can walk down the road with them at 10 at night and never a problem
I pay 17% income tax on 50k+ per year
got a good wife
good neighbours
live in a friendly town where there are next to no problems

tell me what more could I want


Funny but true. I think you secretly love it here but in true driver fashion you’re only happy when you’re moaning about something. :laughing: Or could it be that you’re stuck in the back of beyond in a country that’s rapidly going down the tubes with no hope for the future and it’s all getting a bit much for you? :stuck_out_tongue:

If I loved it I would get involved more often

stuck in the back of beyond ? obviously you have never been here ■■?

I have a standard of living that I would probably not have in the UK
When the grandchildren visit you can walk down the road with them at 10 at night and never a problem
I pay 17% income tax on 50k+ per year
got a good wife
good neighbours
live in a friendly town where there are next to no problems

tell me what more could I want

a scania with all the bling :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Funny but true. I think you secretly love it here but in true driver fashion you’re only happy when you’re moaning about something. :laughing: Or could it be that you’re stuck in the back of beyond in a country that’s rapidly going down the tubes with no hope for the future and it’s all getting a bit much for you? :stuck_out_tongue:

If I loved it I would get involved more often

stuck in the back of beyond ? obviously you have never been here ■■?

I have a standard of living that I would probably not have in the UK
When the grandchildren visit you can walk down the road with them at 10 at night and never a problem
I pay 17% income tax on 50k+ per year
got a good wife
good neighbours
live in a friendly town where there are next to no problems

tell me what more could I want

I know… You’ve said before. It seems the :stuck_out_tongue: was wasted on you.



Funny but true. I think you secretly love it here but in true driver fashion you’re only happy when you’re moaning about something. :laughing: Or could it be that you’re stuck in the back of beyond in a country that’s rapidly going down the tubes with no hope for the future and it’s all getting a bit much for you? :stuck_out_tongue:

If I loved it I would get involved more often

stuck in the back of beyond ? obviously you have never been here ■■?

I have a standard of living that I would probably not have in the UK
When the grandchildren visit you can walk down the road with them at 10 at night and never a problem
I pay 17% income tax on 50k+ per year
got a good wife
good neighbours
live in a friendly town where there are next to no problems

tell me what more could I want

a scania with all the bling :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

a Swedish crap shack would be at he bottom of my wish list



Funny but true. I think you secretly love it here but in true driver fashion you’re only happy when you’re moaning about something. :laughing: Or could it be that you’re stuck in the back of beyond in a country that’s rapidly going down the tubes with no hope for the future and it’s all getting a bit much for you? :stuck_out_tongue:

If I loved it I would get involved more often

stuck in the back of beyond ? obviously you have never been here ■■?

I have a standard of living that I would probably not have in the UK
When the grandchildren visit you can walk down the road with them at 10 at night and never a problem
I pay 17% income tax on 50k+ per year
got a good wife
good neighbours
live in a friendly town where there are next to no problems

tell me what more could I want

I know… You’ve said before. It seems the :stuck_out_tongue: was wasted on you.

with Rob it is always better to keep his memory fresh :laughing: