I can join in now

Done my first euro trip on wed :smiley: .Went to barneveld in holland.great experience.Could’nt believe the free and available parking.went on the eurostar.tight getting on that train for the first time.here’s to more trips.

welcome to the land of respect, over here people still have that for drivers compared to the uk where we are all hated scum.
you obviously didn’t eat on the train because you’re still alive to tell the tale :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice one. You wont want uk work now you`ve had a taste of freedom

Done my first euro trip on wed :smiley: .Went to barneveld in holland.great experience.Could’nt believe the free and available parking.went on the eurostar.tight getting on that train for the first time.here’s to more trips.

I bet it was…thats the passenger train lol :wink:

OOps! seen my mistake there now ha!ha!Eurotunnel i meant.Yeah might be getting the bug for euro work now.They go regular to germany and holland.Did hear talk of poss italy and spain.So who knows. :smiley:

Nice one mate, fingers crossed for you, I’m off to Spain myself week after next, it’s a lovely drive, as is Italy.

Harry Monk:
Nice one mate, fingers crossed for you, I’m off to Spain myself week after next, it’s a lovely drive, as is Italy.

Cheers mate.still alot to take in.Luckily might be two or three going together.So have someones hand to hold. :smiley:

agree with harry, spain is still my fave place to go.
europe in general is much better for the truck driver. wait till you get to germany and see how good the autohofs are.

Well done mate glad you enjoyed your first trip over and i hope you have many more to come.

You will enjoy Italy and Spain more!!