Husband and wife team

Evening all. I new on here and after some advice.
Me and the wife are both class 1 drivers she has just paswed we
Are looking for double man long distance work. Any
Advice where to start looking in the North East what companies
Would best suit thus type of work.

Might be an idea to try North East Truckers FB group for suggestions

Thanks for replying mate. I dont have facebook lol
We never have had it me or my wife. Believe me
Would be easier sometimes if we did but after not having it from day one we just kept refusing to get it after seeing all the daft things that went on it.

If you’re after proper long distance stuff then the company base won’t be much of an issue, surely?
If only going to work once every couple of weeks is it important?

I know of one couple who double up as drivers, but own their truck.

As employees, very few seem to regularly double man. There isn’t as much distance work around as years ago.
Not much UK work stands regular double crews now.

We looking to be away as much as possible we renting our home out and hoping to only be home the bare legal minimum. Uk or European work would prefer European but as long as wo away working we not to bothered what or where. I’ll keep looking something will happen eventually. Fingers crossed

Yeah, FB is a bit of a cesspit of foul garbage, but just putting a question out there might potentially lead to a couple of pointers.

What you’re looking for is a bit specialist, it’s rare to meet someone who does the week-after-week tramping you’re after, most these days are just Monday to Friday with the occasional Saturday run in.
Here’s a thread from 2011 that is similar to your question, I don’t even know if half of the companies mentioned are in existence still, but it’s a starting point

Not a personal recommendation, but try Alcaline in Kent and Rogers out of Northampton.
I doubt many companies are actually set up for what you want, but those two have some longer runs and might adapt for you?

Good luck anyway.

Good luck with finding that, double man is very rare except with time sensitive work.
I did it for tnt and the reason tnt did it was because they would charge the customer air freight charges and then sent it by road with 2 drivers, its all this 24 hour service crap
The nearest to what you’re looking for would be events work
Even on the same tour driving separate trucks you would be together, some last for 6 months and longer

Do you know any company doing events work.

Night And Day have moved Eire.

If you intend doing lots of Euro work a UK passport will have issues attached because of the 90 day rule.

If you have an EU passport then you may be employable by an Eu company, with just a 3rd country passport it is more problematic.
Recent Irish ancestors? Get Eire passports and your options widen.