
how do i insert a pic from my photo album into a msg /new topic ■■ simple instructions please ,you`re dealing with a idiot here :smiley: "if i had any brains i would have a “proper” job. :blush:

I think they’d have to be on the internet first so you can link to them. You can upload them to something like photobucket.
Once they are on there you’ll see link codes, basically you then get the web address of the picture and add to your post with image tags. URL [\img]
On most of these photo sites you can copy them with the tags as well, but if you can’t they are on her as well.
Hope this makes sense, it’s far harder to explain than actually do it.

Anything in this forum help?


Anything in this forum help?


thanks for that …i decided to print the page of instruction so that i could refer to it as i went along :smiley: this is going to be easy i thought .i`ll go and make a cuppa while it prints… i managed to print the whole bloody thread twice! :blush: anyway i will have a go and see what happens :neutral_face: told you you were dealing wth a idiot