How to upload pics

Can’t one of you mods or admin sort this out as this same question is being asked every day. It needs something in the FAQ section about it that they can be directed at as soon as they ask.

Perhaps Pam Mix could do it for the site as she seems to have plenty of time on her hands with only posting “where are you going this week?” each and every week. :slight_smile: And while you’re at it, how about one for digital tacho cards and usage too? :sunglasses:

could do but it would give you nowt to moan about. :sunglasses:

Perhaps Pam Mix could do it for the site as she seems to have plenty of time on her hands with only posting “where are you going this week?” each and every week

rob weve all got jobs putside of this and to be honest you spend more time on here then anyone else :laughing: :laughing: :open_mouth:

ref: digital tacho cards and use

wake up mr knapp :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

when i get around to it ill do one for photos should be done by the weekend or next or next…

but it does say

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see krankee or lucy :smiley:


could do but it would give you nowt to moan about. :sunglasses:

Perhaps Pam Mix could do it for the site as she seems to have plenty of time on her hands with only posting “where are you going this week?” each and every week

rob weve all got jobs putside of this and to be honest you spend more time on here then anyone else :laughing: :laughing: :open_mouth:

I’ve got my reputation to uphold; no time for owt else. :sunglasses:

rob weve all got jobs putside of this and to be honest you spend more time on here then anyone else :laughing: :laughing: :open_mouth:

Why not give Rob a job on the site then if hes on here a lot■■? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: