How to post / reply to a post

I’ve received a request by PM about how to post / reply to a post, so here goes…

After making sure that you’re in the right forum, to start a new topic, click the +New Topic button

To reply to a post that’s already in the forum

Bloody heck alpine, I glad I’ll never have to share a cab with you.
You often come across as aggressive and up yourself, but the absolute rudeness you have shown a volunteer who dedicates much, thankless time to keep the forum running, is unbelievable.
Dave’s answer was not wrong, merely incomplete.
The question was how to (presumably new) post, which was answered, and how to reply, which was not answered.
Your helpful reply, addressing the unanswered question will be appreciated.
An deserved apology from you, to Dave is not anticipated.


This didn’t quite come across as I’d intended.

My aim was to simply highlight the appropriate buttons for a poster to either start a new topic, or reply to an existing topic.

With hindsight and in a great rush, I could have chosen a better example.

Regardless, it did not deserve the ignorant spray it drew.

Yes indeed, I’m not sure why that happened.