Don’t be put off - this takes longer to write than it is to do :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Pictures stored on your PC can be posted onto this site.

The pictures stored on your PC need to be uploaded into a picture hosting site first.

For this purpose I have used the PhotoBucket (PB) picture & video hosting site but there are others.

To register FREE on PB click this link -

Once registration is confirmed then you can start uploading to PB.

In the top right of the PB page there are 4 options to choose from: -
my computer
web URL
mobile phone

Select the my computer to upload from your PC.

Where it says Reduce to: click the drop tab - this gives you the upload size options.
For general site pics select 640 x 480 (Large)
Pics over 650 wide tend to increase the page width on the site and forces the reader to keep scrolling from side-to-side to view them :cry: :cry:
For avatar select 100 x 75 (Tiny)
(For avatar you can select 160 x 120 (Small) but you will then need to resize down from 160 to 150 so it fits in the avatar space on the site without messing up the page format - site admin don’t like that :!: )
Resizing the pics can be done by clicking Edit above the pic in PB and then using the resize options avaiable in the PB edit suite. (see the footnote at bottom of this post)

Now click Choose Files - this will automatically open up a new window with the pictures stored on your PC.
If it does not go to where your pics are stored on your PC then navigate within that window to find them.

Select the pics you want to upload by clicking on them - you can select multiple pics by holding down the CTRL key on your keyboard.

Once you have selected all the pics you want, click OPEN on the bottom right of the window.

The pics will now upload to PB.

Wait for the upload to complete and the screen will automatically refresh to reveal them.

Posting the pics onto the main site

By hovering the cursor over the pic in PB or listed below the pic will be the view shown in the picture below…

Click the option - IMG code and it will show Copied as in the picture above.

You can now paste that into this site.
To check that it has worked click Preview and when satisfied that it looks OK, click Submit

Nothing will be posted onto the site until Submit is clicked so you can abandon posting at any time before that by navigating away from the page or deleting a particular part of the post that you are not happy with.

If posting more than one pic onto a page remember to hit the Enter key after posting each one or they will be posted side-by-side and will widen the viewing page as described earlier.

Posting avatar pics into your Profile

Making sure that pic size is not wider than 150, select the pic you want in PB and click the Direct Link option (not the IMG as shown in the pic below) - it will show Copied if successful.

Now click on Profile at the top of any Trucknetuk site page.

Scroll to the bottom of the profile page and paste into the Link to off-site Avatar: box - click Submit
Click on Profile again and scroll to bottom - the avatar pic should be seen.
Select any post that you have done to check that the pic fits nicely into the left column without widening it.

If any pics stored in PB are deleted then they will also be deleted from wherever you have posted them.
If pics in PB are resized and the option Replace Original is selected then posted pics are also resized.

Anyone got more tips etc :question:


Well explained ROG :slight_smile:

Got a picture on this site that you would like to reduce in size without having to mess around in the picture hosting site such as Photobucket :question:

Picture sizes can be determined by HTML code - make sure that the HTML code is switched on in Profile (top of the page) for it to work.

  <img src="image url goes here" width="640" height="480">

Where it says - image url goes here - that means the bit starting http and ending in jpg etc - not the one with the tags at each end.

The url goes between the " marks.

The pic below is 1000 X 750 in Photobucket but using the code is now 100 X 75

By quoting this post you will see how it has been done :slight_smile:

I’ve deleted the post as I got my info totally wrong, :laughing:

Got a picture on this site that you would like to reduce in size without having to mess around in the picture hosting site such as Photobucket :question:

Picture sizes can be determined by HTML code - make sure that the HTML code is switched on in Profile (top of the page) for it to work.

  <img src="image url goes here" width="640" height="480">

Where it says - image url goes here - that means the bit starting http and ending in jpg etc - not the one with the tags at each end.

The url goes between the " marks.

The pic below is 1000 X 750 in Photobucket but using the code is now 100 X 75

By quoting this post you will see how it has been done :slight_smile:

Whilst you’re correct in saying that you can use HTML code to reduce the size of an image, it should be clear that this will only reduce the viewable size and not the amount of bandwidth that’s required to view the image.
For instance if you look at the original of the small image you’ve posted it’s 1000px × 750px and 174.91 kB

but after being reduced in size the small image you’ve posted is 100px × 75px but still 174.91 kB.

With a single image that size it probably doesn’t matter too much but several images reduced in size this way could start to be a problem for anyone with a slow connection such as someone viewing on a laptop in the cab, especially if the original images are very large in KBs, so I would have thought it best to reduce images properly before posting them unless they’re only a few kB to start with.

Thanks for the techy info - I’m not hot on that sort of thing