How to make a avatar

Hi I’ve been trying make and avatar I’ve uploaded a pic but can’t make head nor tale of how u change to my avatar pic someone help :open_mouth: :imp:

In the User Control panel, click on the profile tab and then click edit avatar on the left of the page

There’s a menu in your profile images section I think. Best bet would be to choose a pic and pm dieseldave he done mine for me because I didn’t know either.

I’ve tried it keep coming up unknown URL I’ve. Uploaded it to my photo album to no avail :open_mouth:

I’ve uploaded on to my album but can’t get it as my avatar :open_mouth:

After a lot of ■■■■■■■ about on my phone I may have cracked it. Go to user control panel, click on profile and along the left hand side there’s an option to edit avatar click on this and it gives you the option of choosing file to take the picture from. Upload or exsisting file try that.

I’ve uploaded on to my album but can’t get it as my avatar :open_mouth:

Hi Chewyboy,

I’ve resized it for you because your pic was slightly too big for an avatar, then I added it to your profile. :wink:

I hope you like the way it’s turned out. :smiley:

:bulb: I’ve also merged your two topics that cover the same subject.

Nice one thanks

How do you change the size? I type in lower numbers in an attempt to shrink the image, to no avail.

How do you change the size? I type in lower numbers in an attempt to shrink the image, to no avail.

There are on-line sites where you can resize an image but I’ve never used on so can’t recommend one, or you can do it on your computer with an image editing program.

There are various image editing programs you can download and use for free or if you’re using a Windows computer you can use Paint, Paint is a very basic image editing program but it can be used to resize images.

If you’re using a Windows computer:

  1. Open the image in Paint (Paint comes with all Windows computers)
  2. Click “resize” on the tool-bar (Resize dialogue opens)
  3. Make sure “Maintain aspect ratio” is ticked unless you want to change height and width individually
  4. Select Pixels
  5. Change the height or height and width to whatever size you want
  6. Save the image

Avatars uploaded to Trucknet-UK can be no larger than 80x80 pixels and about 9KB (sorry can’t remember exactly), any larger and you will have to put it on a photo store such as Photobucket and link to it.

Alternatively post the image here and one of us will change the size for you.