How the japanese do actros

yes I though some one would liek to see them.\any way I want the mirrors on the left Ihave similar on my truck ( a japanse hino and yes they come in handy.

yes I though some one would liek to see them.\any way I want the mirrors on the left Ihave similar on my truck ( a japanse hino and yes they come in handy.

don’t they have hedges in Japan :question: :question: :question: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

never mind the hedges waht about tall pedestrians :laughing:

never mind the hedges waht about tall pedestrians :laughing:

stereotypical Japanese bloke is short :wink:

never mind the hedges waht about tall pedestrians :laughing:

exactly what i thought! best not drive it in the netherlands then!

how the japanese do actros


I’ll get me coat…

Looks like they were made for a bit of arm wrestling. :laughing:

one of the mirrors is for checking yer lippy before fluttering your eyelids at the bod on the gate.

Still looks like a recycled U boat to me. Cactros what a naft interior. As for the mirrors, wouldnt last five mins on my line of work.

Out of
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Denis F:

yes I though some one would liek to see them.\any way I want the mirrors on the left Ihave similar on my truck ( a japanse hino and yes they come in handy.

don’t they have hedges in Japan :question: :question: :question: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

P45 mirrors

Knock one off and you get your P45 :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The Brittany Ferries loaders could have some fun pulling those mirrors back :open_mouth:

if they are like the ones on my truck they have motors to wind them in .

took a while to get used to as they make all things look smaller…
but some one once told me asian people have poor prefereral vison

That goes with the small body ,I suppose…?

Looks like an ode Atki Borderer to me :open_mouth: , without the stability of a bottom mounting bracket. Do those mirrors vibrate much Meggala? And are they visible well within the swept area of the wipers?

mine are stable as no vibration at all.
yeah they are ok with the swept area of the wipers.
they are set very forward takes getting used to but once you have them its hard to go back . you dont have to turn your head to look at the mirror its in you field of vision

I wasn’t joking about the Atki, when the first Mk II came out they still had the old mirrors on the doors but then mounted them forward (but not that far forward) to be seen through the curve of the screen. But they were outside of the swept area and the lines of rainwater draining backwards round the curve was a bit of a problem.
I was used to the idea when I got my first one, as I’d already converted my old Mk.I to that system. Bosses allowed you to do those things in those days. :unamused: :laughing: