How Old are You?

51 Harry mate>> keep struggling on but im only a part-timer now :unamused:

27, and out-lived most of my hair already.

1960 vintage I’m 52

54 and starting to feel it!

43 and still a young’un :grimacing:

56 I’m looking forward to a good 15 years of trucking!

:smiley: 53 harry,glad i drive for a living, steer,move gearstick,listen radio ect,couldnt do what i used to do ,builders labourer,oh and walk miles across moors grouse beating for 8 quid a day and a free can of beer and a porkpie :smiley:

Scrabbled /scratched/and fought my way to 50 years of existence last friday- tell me the next 50 is going to be easier please :wink:

I’m 46 but it wasn’t too long ago that i felt a lot younger if you get my meaning :wink: , As the saying goes “you are as old as you feel” … and t other week i was feeling twenty something :grimacing:

51 :slight_smile:

26 going on 50 :confused:

i feel the same :frowning:


69 and still enjoy being behind the wheel of a big shiny truck .

tommy t:
I’m 46 but it wasn’t too long ago that i felt a lot younger if you get my meaning :wink: , As the saying goes “you are as old as you feel” … and t other week i was feeling twenty something :grimacing:

only as old as the woman you feel?

Interesting thread. 53. (snap HM)

The poll will of course reflect the average age of an active TN member, not the average age of an HGV driver. There are quite a lot of more senior long retired drivers here on TN, there are also many older active drivers who are not internet savvy.

You only need to look across when you overtake/are being overtaken to see the age of drivers - mostly 45+

I still think many will hang up their keys when the day of reckoning (DCPC) arrives in 2014.


47 which puts me in the biggest age group.


1960 vintage I’m 52

Me Too