How Old are You?


Interesting thread, funny how you are surprised to find how old or young some members are.


Just getting to the stage now where Im thinking of opening the 2nd hand bookshop Ive always wanted since my teenage years :smiley:

That’s something I’ve always wanted to do, trouble is I’d never sell anything, I’d just lock the doors and read my way through the stock! You can’t beat the smell of books, new & old

Me too! I have a loft full of old, mostly Biographies, books on the Royal Family.

50 :smiley:

27 :grimacing:


40 :neutral_face:

23 and 10 months boss. :sunglasses: :slight_smile: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

  1. Not a little girl anymore :cry:

Not telling but for your information I passed my Class 1 as it was then in 1974,out of Stanbridge road test center. And just to ■■■■ off certain members…I currently drive a rigid,and wait for it…I wear Hi-Viz at the wheel too!

47 and feeling every bit of it :frowning:

52 going on 20 I think there’s plenty of time to grow up

29 and 10 months :sunglasses:

washy jnr:
I’m 40,but they say your as old as the woman you feel…so in that case i’m 32 :sunglasses:

If thats the case im 43 and the one that gets felt 39 so i aint gaining much :smiley:

26 going on 50 :confused:

39 and a half :confused:

59 and beginning to feel it :frowning:


26 years young.

Young enough to know I can, old enough to know I shouldn’t and stupid enough to do it anyway


inside feel like i’m 25, outside 55