I’ll be 60 next April but I am a stowaway from the Old Drivers Site, infact probably in that grey area between as a lot on there are now retired. I came out of haulage 1999 at around 46, I was getting too old even then for all the hassle, I could still do what I used to do but I wouldn’t be keen on doing what you have to do now, a lot less freedom. Franky.
Old enough to know better. Young enough not to give a [zb].
I was 10.25 on Thursday/Friday
Bloody youngens the lot of you59 1/2
Party for the BIG 60 uncle Gez?
Hope you are ok
you paying then
63 coming up in July
28 years young
36 and handsome with it
28 years young
I used to have a friend on face book who ran under the name of Dog the hunter
I am told i look 21 but im about 45 , maybe they mean I look 21 stone .
26, 27 end of April.
Coming up 56 on the 26th july can,t believe where the times gone!!!
33 but feel like 53 after a session on the sauce
Looking at the graph, there could be 22% of drivers leaving in the next 5-6 years
Double post
33 but feel like 53 after a session on the sauce
We’re in Barnsley you from. What wagon you got. I’m from Barnsley.