How often do you visit TruckNet UK ?

Our visitor figures keep going up and up, and we are interested in finding out just how many of these are unregistered visitors

to give us a rough idea can you please vote on the CLOSEST option below

Around once a week for ten years or so

Used to be several times a day. Now on the new forum, I can manage a few weeks between visits…and still stay up to date with it. :disappointed:

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First visit for a while and I used to be a regular. Don’t like the new setup, it’s as much use as tits on a fish.


It depends how busy it is and how busy I am, I look in most days but if there are any topics I’m watching it can be several times a day.

Edit: I’ve just noticed this thread was started in 2005 :smile:

sadly every day i don’t now why I bother some days its not what it was

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Come on once every few days. Sometimes wonder why .
as others have said not lot going on here anymore.
And always same topics these days mostly about someone hitting a bridge.
Or idiotic driving etc.

every day jock bristol

Several times every day.

When the new format came out, not as often as I did in the old one…and I still aint too keen on it.
However, after getting used to it now (a bit like how you get used to haemmeroids …painful but you just make the best of it. :grin:) I am on it too bloody often, especially if there is an active thread that I am interested in, I tend to keep checking it… I dip in and out if I get bored on my own.
I aint on FB or any of that cack either btw.

I agree this new format is somewhat overwhelming, slowly finding my way around it though, obviously I have a hell of a lot more I need to get used to and figure out and mistakes on my part could impact others than just myself.

I think TN can potentially bounce back from this upheaval but I fear we’ve also lost many valued contributors too.

Yeah, it!s just about perseverance I reckon.
When it first kicked off, and with me not being the most tech savvy, it was bordering on being beyond me, buy my Mrs showed me around it…she has much more patience than me.:smiley:
It’s like everything else with me, I aint an expert on it, but I know enough of what I need to know.

I think the ones we have lost are the ones who just gave up on it rather than trying to learn how to use it.

I have never visited trucknet UK.
Didn’t know they had a place to visit.
They have a museum and gift shop?
Lots of Scania themed things there?

Seem to log on dailyish-mainly to see how Robroy, Franglais, Carryfast and Winseer are getting along. Also to see how Zac is controlling them! :laughing:

I come on every day to see if Dozy will reappear :rofl::rofl:

Oh God ! You’re tarring me with the same brush as those 3 :flushed:
How well you (DON’T) know me.

Not so much tarring with the same brush, more seeing how the bromance is progressing!

Ok since you ask…btw Bromance? :flushed:
Deffo wrong end of a long stick mate.

Carryfast …Is harmless. Sometimes tbf he makes some good valid points, if he could just stop going off on tangents about China, CCCP, Yugoslavia and 'kin Stalin, cos half the time I aint got a scooby.

Planet Zogg …nuf said,.end of.

Franglais…Where do I start.:roll_eyes:
He sees himself as the .‘Wise Man Of Trucknet’…a bit like King Solomon, but with a minute fraction of the real wisdom.
He sees us all sat at his feet, like he is some kind of Guru, and we hang on his every word of pontification, (we dont) he believes his own perception of himself.

But apart from that he has severely done my swede in lately, and is on the very top of my ‘‘Sh## List’’.:joy:

You know you love him really, that’s why Moaster is jealous :wink:

19 years later :grin: every 2 days probably