how many

how many members does trucknet have.
how many forum members are on moderation
how many forum members are on a life sentence of moderation

how many members does trucknet have.

Hi dozy,

You can view the number of TN members at any time by looking near the bottom of the main forum index page.
You should remember that the actual figure is all inclusive, but there are many people who (for whatever reason) have joined but never posted, so the actual number of active members is quite difficult to establish.
This would also depend on a person’s definition of ‘active.’

Here’s a screenshot of the total at the time of writing this reply:


how many forum members are on moderation
how many forum members are on a life sentence of moderation

Let’s not forget this from the forum rules:

Any sanctions taken against a member are private between the member and the TruckNet UK website team. We will not enter into public discussion about those actions.

Due to the forum rules, any of the TN Mod/Admin Team giving answers to your questions on pre-moderation can only speak in very general terms.

Speaking very generally, the actual number wouldn’t be of much use to anybody because it varies when people are added or removed from those two lists.
Sometimes, those placed on pre-moderation throw their toys out of the pram and go off on a long sulk, so they might still be a member and still be on moderation, and therefore show up in the lists but choose not to post.

Still speaking very generally, the TN website owners sometimes allow an amnesty for some of those on pre-moderation, but when that happens, some people still can’t seem to get the idea that they’ve been given another opportunity to post within forum guidelines and then fail to do so, which means that some of them end up back on pre-moderation that might be a bit more permanent.


how many members does trucknet have.

Hi dozy,

You can view the number of TN members at any time by looking near the bottom of the main forum index page.
You should remember that the actual figure is all inclusive, but there are many people who (for whatever reason) have joined but never posted, so the actual number of active members is quite difficult to establish.
This would also depend on a person’s definition of ‘active.’

Here’s a screenshot of the total at the time of writing this reply:


how many forum members are on moderation
how many forum members are on a life sentence of moderation

Let’s not forget this from the forum rules:

Any sanctions taken against a member are private between the member and the TruckNet UK website team. We will not enter into public discussion about those actions.

Due to the forum rules, any of the TN Mod/Admin Team giving answers to your questions on pre-moderation can only speak in very general terms.

Speaking very generally, the actual number wouldn’t be of much use to anybody because it varies when people are added or removed from those two lists.
Sometimes, those placed on pre-moderation throw their toys out of the pram and go off on a long sulk, so they might still be a member and still be on moderation, and therefore show up in the lists but choose not to post.

Still speaking very generally, the TN website owners sometimes allow an amnesty for some of those on pre-moderation, but when that happens, some people still can’t seem to get the idea that they’ve been given another opportunity to post within forum guidelines and then fail to do so, which means that some of them end up back on pre-moderation that might be a bit more permanent.

thanks dave


how many members does trucknet have.

Hi dozy,

You can view the number of TN members at any time by looking near the bottom of the main forum index page.
You should remember that the actual figure is all inclusive, but there are many people who (for whatever reason) have joined but never posted, so the actual number of active members is quite difficult to establish.
This would also depend on a person’s definition of ‘active.’

Here’s a screenshot of the total at the time of writing this reply:


how many forum members are on moderation
how many forum members are on a life sentence of moderation

Let’s not forget this from the forum rules:

Any sanctions taken against a member are private between the member and the TruckNet UK website team. We will not enter into public discussion about those actions.

Due to the forum rules, any of the TN Mod/Admin Team giving answers to your questions on pre-moderation can only speak in very general terms.

Speaking very generally, the actual number wouldn’t be of much use to anybody because it varies when people are added or removed from those two lists.
Sometimes, those placed on pre-moderation throw their toys out of the pram and go off on a long sulk, so they might still be a member and still be on moderation, and therefore show up in the lists but choose not to post.

Still speaking very generally, the TN website owners sometimes allow an amnesty for some of those on pre-moderation, but when that happens, some people still can’t seem to get the idea that they’ve been given another opportunity to post within forum guidelines and then fail to do so, which means that some of them end up back on pre-moderation that might be a bit more permanent.

As I have said, condescending

By the way the mods are defending pre-mod, most of us

By the way the mods are defending pre-mod, most of us

If you are even remotely bothered about being on pre-mod, then you are placing far too much importance on internet life. :wink: