How far is your yard from home?

My yard? Well … it is right outside of my house. Isn’t that normal?

The company yard however is a few minutes drive away, but the company pays(/I just fill up on the company card when filling the truck) for the fuel. :smiley:

Less than a mile. :sunglasses:

2 miles down the road

50 mile round trip but only done once every two weeks so not a problem really but couldn’t be doing with that every day, or some mundane office commute a relative of mine commutes 90 minutes each way every day in his own time at least when we are sat in traffic we are being paid for it!!

In the past I have taken a job at slightly less wages to be closer to home. My argument was that I drove for a living, so why would I want to drive at my own expense?
Maximum distance I have ever commuted? Eight miles.

Three miles each way once a week.
In a previous job one of the lads travelled iirc 540 miles each way once a month.
Too much for me!

Hi guys as the subject line suggests how for do you travel to get to your yard? I’ve been chatting with a few drivers and it seems distance is no object for the right job. Any thoughts?

I live 16 mile from yard which is enough,got asked a few weeks ago if I’d transfer to donny,50 mile,not a chance

Commuting to and from base eats in to a 9 or 11 hour daily rest if you are not sleeping in the cab each night.
By the time you have walked the dog,had a proper meal,bath/shower or watch tv, it can be four or five hours sleep.
Then a ten hour drive or a fifteen hour duty.
There are plans to change the law for this.For trampers it is easier.No commute.Wake up.Tacho on crossed hammers.Kettle on.Drink up.Start engine.Drive off.

Distance to works yard used to be around 10miles when i did euro work, then was a daily 30 to 50 mile round trip working for agencies , But i travelled 220 miles round trip for a weeks work in euroland before now, Personally if the job is paying enough money and the company ain’t taking the pish, I don’t care how far away the yard is, ( euro. tramping 2-3 wks away ) if it was a day to day no night out, i would want it to be with 15-20 miles , otherwise a huge chunk from my wage would be spent on fuel just commuting to and from work

12.5 miles each way takes 25 minutes when its quiet and anywhere between 30-50 when busy only do it half of the year though :sunglasses:

35 miles using M9
41 if I go along the M8 as Mapquest advises me…

Not hard to tell which way I ‘drive’ when I claim .45p per mile!

24 miles there at 10 pm which takes half hr and then 24 miles home @ 8.30 am which takes 45 mins

23 miles each way.

140 miles. 50/50ish split on whether the truck is kept near the house or back at the yard at weekends.

Was 32 miles each way, then 26 when I changed offices.

Changed jobs recently and cut it down to 1.6 miles each way… one less agency consultant for you to worry about though. :wink:

For the last 5 months it’s been100 miles and 2 hours on a Sunday/Monday, and the same back home on a Friday/Saturday.

Worth every minute/penny as the job is worlds apart from the one I left in Hull. Better pay, better work, better waqgon, better transport office, better conditions. But best of all, I no longer work in Hull :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Downside? Having to drive through Hull on the way back home :imp:

About 300 yards. I can see my yard from both my gardens and they pay more than my last employer and no mileage on my car

350miles each week.
Has been known to take over 6 hours to get back from yard to home (thanks V fest)

Absolutely fabulous place to live, Tonka, but couldn’t you find a job nearer to paradise?
Or don’t you fancy driving a John Deere? :wink:

22kms each way so no hardship even driving a 4.6 V8 or wifeys 6.2 .