How far is your yard from home?


Used to be 44 steps from backdoor to office and another twelve under cover to the truck parked in the dry , and in Spain it was less than 100 metres.
Problem is LOTS of your spare time was spent playing or cleaning or doing something truck orientated.

Best and only good thing about my job.

1 mile.

25mins walk(big big hill) or 5 mins drive or 12mins on bus(door to door) or lift home by other drivers(most live by me).

I uesd to do 32 miles one way,50 min,did this for 10 months.

In July moved closer now reduced to 18 miles,30 mins.

Nights out help of course,on a good week could get 2,usually one though.

Attempting to re-establish myself though and do live in a location without too many options,don’t mind doing the distance though’just take it a day at a time,just being screwed on the cost of fuel is the issue.

10 mins drive away. :slight_smile:

6 hour drive and a 2 hour ferry, or a 1.5 hour drive and an 8 hour crossing.

Hi 26mile each way
but i live in sunny cornwall its ok approx 30-40mins unless you get stuck behind a tractor :angry: posting.php?mode=reply&f=2&t=105465#

About half a mile, it takes about 3 minutes each way in the car! :sunglasses:

About 60 miles each way ATM but when iv moved house it’ll be about 10 mile each way

7 miles till end of the month, then dont know

5 Mins on a pushbike :slight_smile:

105 miles each way, go Sunday night and back either Thurs or Fri.

90+ mile daily commute for the last year.

5 miles/10-15 mins

27 miles. Dual carriageway almost all the way though.

135 miles each way.Leave sun night/mon morning back fri night/sat morn.

About 30 miles to Telford. Only been to the yard once for an interview and pick up the van. During the week I’m in a hotel or park the van outside my house :smiley:

65 miles each way.

Up on a Monday, back on Friday so it doesn’t really bother me.

Have a company looking for a driver that is 5 miles away but I refuse to drive class 1 for £7.

2.8 miles,7 or 8 mins in the car.might get a pushbike next spring :slight_smile:

3 miles.
About 3 minutes on the Bandit, 6 in the Jeep or 15 on the push bike.