Before you make the decision, make a few discreet enquirys about the job market. Try Maritime or elite to see if they are taking on at Felix. Don’t forget Maritime have just bought DHL containers.
(This is assuming you have a class 1)
Before you make the decision, make a few discreet enquirys about the job market. Try Maritime or elite to see if they are taking on at Felix. Don’t forget Maritime have just bought DHL containers.
(This is assuming you have a class 1)
That would be great in an ideal world limeyphil.They are’nt going to buy that though.Most of the work is in and around london,reels of paper to the printing industry.there’s sod all in lowestoft to deliver to anymore.Just like alot of seaside towns i guess
Sort of a downward spiral, if there are no jobs people move away to where the jobs are, local businesses then have no customers so don’t need goods delivering, so need less transport, so more driving jobs go etc etc .
I guess we will all finish up living in one big town!
as siad you need to do your homework…
but just want to bump the thread a little, while on a course for tacho,s the trainer mentioned that at some point, no date given but vosa were looking at it, that the distance you travel to work would become under the tacho rules as such, if you live out of a set distance from your base, it was mentioned 30 mins travelling time max, the ins and outs ect was never mentioned, but interested if anyone else has heard about it…
the other thing whilst on a cpc course a couple of weeks ago again we were told and advised to stsrt doing though not compulsory, that after 2 hours driving a 15 minute break is going to become compulsory, not sure how this affect 45 min after 4.5
I used to drive 85 miles to work on a Sunday evening and home Friday night. The only issue with that is only one complete day home, but such is the nature of the job
According to there website kemballs are looking for drivers.
also goldstar advertised a couple of weeks ago aswell.
I’m gonna be doing about 1 hour each way every day, i live in Reading and going to start new job Monday working out of Amesbury 5 days a week, it’s about 50 miles each way, when theres no jobs locally it’s gotta be done.
245 miles to work might be pushing the limits a bit, but its a job
That would be great in an ideal world limeyphil.They are’nt going to buy that though.Most of the work is in and around london,reels of paper to the printing industry.there’s sod all in lowestoft to deliver to anymore.Just like alot of seaside towns i guess.
thats right i remember who you work for now. whats happened in felix with the stora enso work or do you only do the finn forest. i know that years ago bartrums and handburys pushed longs out of felix so who is doing it now!!!
Have you not tried the Bird’s Eye factory at Lowestoft? They base some motors there.
look further into this with or through a far as i know,if your employer moves your base more than 25 miles from where your are currently based,they are liable for your extra travelling costs.had this matter recently took up with the union,(who gave me this info).
I used to drive 50 miles each way to work (motorway driving) - It drove me nuts and I hated it (it’s different when you’re being paid for it). A guy I know lives in Leeds and works in Bristol during the week Some coach drivers I know who live in Nottingham travel to Coventry, Warrington or Leeds on a weekly basis then work away.
I suppose it depends whether you really want to work in a certain industry or whether the time spent travelling could be better used. Having done the long drive to work; I’d opt for the latter every time.
jessicas dad.The enso work has all ended down at tilbury.Stora built a big storage and loading place there.Called the enterprise terminal.Lots of haulage firms in there.Longs,downton,bts,meachers,bartrums and stobarts now got there foot in door .
As to answer your question silver surfer.Birds eye have’nt got any of ther own trucks now.I think to get on there is through a local agency.Looked at there web site but nothing doing there.
If i am one of those to get picked to go to tilbury i think i’ll give it the 3 mth trial.Not going to lose nothing at the end of it either way.
jessicas dad.The enso work has all ended down at tilbury.Stora built a big storage and loading place there.Called the enterprise terminal.Lots of haulage firms in there.Longs,downton,bts,meachers,bartrums and stobarts now got there foot in door.
As to answer your question silver surfer.Birds eye have’nt got any of ther own trucks now.I think to get on there is through a local agency.Looked at there web site but nothing doing there.
If i am one of those to get picked to go to tilbury i think i’ll give it the 3 mth trial.Not going to lose nothing at the end of it either way.
It buys you time. You would then have 3 months to find something in Felix and if I read your original post right you would still get your redundance package. If not at the moment, Maritime should be taking on again after Easter.
yeah semtex.You read my original post right,If find another job or decide it’s to much travelling will still get the redundancy package.i’ll know on friday how much that will be.And in 3mths time thinks might of picked up a bit.Like you say maritime and the likes.
My new job has me travelling from Camborne to Exeter (100 miles each way…although good roads) This will be approx 2 hours each waymore like 3 to 4 in silly season
My last job was 75 miles each way…about 1/12 hours
Weve got a driver who travels from Camborne to BANBURY,comes up on a sunday,stays in a caravan for 2 weeks then goes home ,i couldnt do it but he’s been up here years
I do Great Dunmow To Woolpit…bout 130 mile round trip(all motorway) but when i was looking for a job i set myself a limit of a 200mile round trip…anymore and by the time Friday night comes i realised that your prob not gonna have the energy to drive home…
sent you a PM Daftvader
I’m trekking 30 mile each way to work four days a week. I couldn’t go any further on a daily basis, it’s usually an hour and half of travel a day for me.
depends, daily i wouldnt travel more than half an hour each way…its just not worth it tbh
if im away a week then say 100-120 mile each way
if longer and it pays distance isnt an object
hell my first european job was with a norfolk company and i had to travel to bulgaria for the truck.
well gogzy.Putting it like that i suppose a 220mile round trip a week ain’t so bad.Hell bulgaria!.Not that is a trip.
yea 12 hour commutte and a 2 day drive back to england lol. was away a total of 14 days though