Cut back on the caffeine,drink at least one to two litres of water a day.Fruit.
Add to that, about 1 hours nice brisk walking each day, during which you will find that the problems which are causing the stress,are put more into proper perspective.Making it easier for you to cope with them.
If the stress is caused by a problem about which you can do something;Then get your act together, and do something to get it sorted out. 
Don,t take life too seriously. If you polished the waggon on your day off, and it then gets mucked up the first day back at work; So zbing what!!, It is not the end of the World.Get the Polish , and the Duraglit out when you finish, and instead of having a kip, polish the waggon, and its wheel trims, during your Rest Period.If you are that way inclined, it will make you feel better.
If your waggon didn,t win a prize at Truckfest. So What! Neither did most of the other Duraglit addicts on TNUK. Join their club. Get ■■■■■■■ Have a laugh. Give anyone who did win a prize at Truckfest the old Cold Shoulder. You,ll feel better. 
If another person is stressing you up; Gob them!1. That will make you feel better even if the other person then beats you up; at least they will also be sporting a black eye, or a broken nose; That way you don,t feel like too much of a loser.
Develope an “I do not give two zb,s” attitude to life and all that it can chuck at you. Don,t expect any favours off anyone. That way you won,t be disappointed when you get zb on from a great height. Life is like that. Learn to go with the flow. If another driver has got a 700 hp, Super Spaced Cabbed Super-Swede, and you are dodging about in summat the boss found in a scrapyard in Essex, so xbing what. Leave it in a layby, go home, hopefully when you come back in the morning some toerag will have nicked it. Let the boss get stressed up. zb him.
That is my attitude anyway. That is why I have never felt stressed up, and I have had some hassle in my time. Believe me.