How do you cope with stress

Recently ive been getting stressed out - don’t know why maybe personal reasons ,although ive never suffered before. Traffic jams, waiting at RDCs ,getting cut to shreds by other motorists has never bothered me in the past - water off a ducks back usually, but now its starting to drive me crazy, im starting to get grey hairs FFS :angry:

My job is the easiest in the world so cant really complain about that- i was thinking maybe a wee stint on nightshift will get my head sorted out as its all over the place at the moment :cry:

A guy in work has a picture of his girlfriend to keep him calm but i think if i had mines that would just stress me out more :laughing:

When I get stressed I phone Dingo and rant and rave at him … his usual reply is … Do you feel better now, I say yes and he say ok bye lol

McPloppy ©:
When I get stressed I phone Dingo and rant and rave at him … his usual reply is … Do you feel better now, I say yes and he say ok bye lol

think i seen you greg on tuesday- A737 heading towards beith/dalry was going to wave but you wouldn’t have had a clue who i was. It might not even have been you - im not good at spotting :laughing:


McPloppy ©:
When I get stressed I phone Dingo and rant and rave at him … his usual reply is … Do you feel better now, I say yes and he say ok bye lol

think i seen you greg on tuesday- A737 heading towards beith/dalry was going to wave but you wouldn’t have had a clue who i was. It might not even have been you - im not good at spotting :laughing:

If it was a premium it would have been jimmy … I was on my way to Dingwall tuesday morn :slight_smile:

I’ve got a couple of relaxation tracks on my MP3 player.
Listen to them and chill for 10 minutes and I do that once a day.

Got to watch if I’ve got the player on random play though and I’m driving. :laughing:

Sleep and food :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Right for once Im gonna be deadly serious…

If you are getting stressed get help, start with the Drs and take thier advice… No disrespect to anyone on here but its not something people can help you with, as you yourself know what you are going through…

I had it, was getting wound up, always the ‘why me’ thoughts if I got held up, nothing seemed to go right etc… Kept it too myself, then one day I had had enough, lashed out at someone, luckily it was a workmate and a buddy, he could have got me sacked, he didnt, he saw the signs, we had a chat, I went to the quacks, so grateful to him, cos it turned out I was suffering from depression, on the verge of manic.
Ended up on tablets and seeing a shrink, hard to admit too, but its NOT a mental illness as most people seem to think, but some chemical malfunction in the brain… Anyway, did the treatment, and now im back to my usual dont give a dung self, and back to being a good happy husband/father and general ■■■■■■■■■ Sure some days are crap, but tomorrow is always a better day…

Please dont suffer like I did…

Serious mode off…

Went through a similar experience to Coddy myself.
Did a group therapy course, that’s where the relaxation tracks came from.

I know this should be in Health and Family, but I’m going to leave here for just now.

Right for once Im gonna be deadly serious…

If you are getting stressed get help, start


have days like that myself quite often missus picked me up yesterday after being away all week(and a proper poxy one it was)and i bit her head off over a phone bill she said you need help!!! maybe i do after reading these posts■■? ps got kicked out of asda dartford yesterday just lost it after 3hours waiting then “bay 32 drive open your doors we,ll sort ya after our break” :question: :question: :question: boss were,nt happy bollocking monday i suppose :unamused: :unamused:


this was something that worried me until recently.i was smoking 60+ ■■■■ a day,and decided to quit in support of my wife.i am usually quite level headed,but do have a short fuse tendancy,and was worried how i would be coming off the ■■■■.amazingly,since quitting 26 weeks ago,i feel less stressed,and tend not to get streesed out.when i do,i listen to some music,or like mcploppy says,ring a friend for a rant.

The way things have gone for me this month, I dont get stressed any more I get even,

this was something that worried me until recently.i was smoking 60+ ■■■■ a day,and decided to quit in support of my wife.i am usually quite level headed,but do have a short fuse tendancy,and was worried how i would be coming off the ■■■■.amazingly,since quitting 26 weeks ago,i feel less stressed,and tend not to get streesed out.when i do,i listen to some music,or like mcploppy says,ring a friend for a rant.

thats half the problem i,ve got a couple of mates at work who phone me for a rant i,m great at sorting their problems so why can,t i deal with mine■■?


A guy in work has a picture of his girlfriend to keep him calm but i think if i had mines that would just stress me out more :laughing:

i have an idea, you need to get a picture of his girlfriend too. :laughing:

Cut back on the caffeine,drink at least one to two litres of water a day.Fruit.

I can really assosiate with the negative thoughts taking over comments. Over the past few years I had been feeling the same. Dont know if its the job or what, maybe boredom? Started when I lost a very close friend in a road accident a while back. Life becomes hard, everything becomes pointless. Work didnt help. The long hours of solitude and the unpleasant people you meet just makes things worse. After a long hard week the last thing you want to do is talk about it. Seems like youre just passing time before death. Maybe it would be easier to just to die? I even started to dream about death and being in a place where the troubles of life had no relevence. It was like falling down a ■■■■■■■■■ hole. Mood swings, anger, anxiety attacks and feelings of guilt. Not a nice place to be!

The wife insisted I saw a doctor as she was getting pretty worred, she thought I could end up suicidal, she felt sure I had some kind of depression. The doc just said that it was normal and that I shouldnt worry. It wasnt the reaction I expected but it did help as he obviously didnt think I was cracking up.

I didnt get any professional help but im in a much better place now. Things are pretty much back to normal. Finding time to talk about your thoughts is the key I found.

Cut back on the caffeine,drink at least one to two litres of water a day.Fruit.

Add to that, about 1 hours nice brisk walking each day, during which you will find that the problems which are causing the stress,are put more into proper perspective.Making it easier for you to cope with them.

If the stress is caused by a problem about which you can do something;Then get your act together, and do something to get it sorted out. :bulb:

Don,t take life too seriously. If you polished the waggon on your day off, and it then gets mucked up the first day back at work; So zbing what!!, It is not the end of the World.Get the Polish , and the Duraglit out when you finish, and instead of having a kip, polish the waggon, and its wheel trims, during your Rest Period.If you are that way inclined, it will make you feel better.
If your waggon didn,t win a prize at Truckfest. So What! Neither did most of the other Duraglit addicts on TNUK. Join their club. Get ■■■■■■■ Have a laugh. Give anyone who did win a prize at Truckfest the old Cold Shoulder. You,ll feel better. :laughing:

If another person is stressing you up; Gob them!1. That will make you feel better even if the other person then beats you up; at least they will also be sporting a black eye, or a broken nose; That way you don,t feel like too much of a loser.

Develope an “I do not give two zb,s” attitude to life and all that it can chuck at you. Don,t expect any favours off anyone. That way you won,t be disappointed when you get zb on from a great height. Life is like that. Learn to go with the flow. If another driver has got a 700 hp, Super Spaced Cabbed Super-Swede, and you are dodging about in summat the boss found in a scrapyard in Essex, so xbing what. Leave it in a layby, go home, hopefully when you come back in the morning some toerag will have nicked it. Let the boss get stressed up. zb him.

That is my attitude anyway. That is why I have never felt stressed up, and I have had some hassle in my time. Believe me. :smiley: :smiley: