How do I keep track of the posts and replys I make please

How do I keep track of the posts and replys I make please on here :blush:

just underneath the post topic post reply buttons there is a link which says watch this topic for replies click on this and an e-mail will be sent to you


AH NOW I SEE :blush:

Thank You


Also if you click on the word ‘profile’ up above, you can configure the board to your liking.

If you look at the third section down in the profile page there is a list of preffered options, one of which is something along the lines of ‘email notification of topic replies’. If you use this option you will be automatically emailed when there are replies to topics which you have contributed to. To keep your eye on a topic to which you haven’t contributed to, use the option above as described by mrs mix.

Spend some time looking through your profile page as there some useful options there.

By the doing the above and using the ‘view all posts since last visit’ option (which is top right of the forum lists) I rarely miss a post!! :wink: :wink: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: