How comfortable is your driving position?

I drive a MAN TGA and it’s very comfy haven’t had a problem yet, the seat just molds round you.

i cant seem to reach the steering wheel very well due to my enormous 4’2" and 23 stone :wink:

Congratulations Churchill, let us know if it’s a boy or girl. OH YES!!!


jessicas dad:

for the last 7 years i mainly drove dafs, of the xf, super space cab variety, and thought it was a fantastic truck, (maybe just because thats what i’d become accustomed too) but, i could never quite get the seat 100% right, and would often change it about, as the day went on. long days too, as at the time, i was running too the algarve.
recently, i have changed employer, and they have a large fleet, consisting of, daf, man, merc, scania, and volvo.
yet too drive them all.
man was pretty good overall.
scania, just couldn’t get comfy, not enough legroom, or padding, and always knew you’d done a full days work in it.
merc, yet too try.
volvo, thus far, has too be my fave, just seems too be, the perfect driving position, (for me anyway) perfect amount of padding, and tilt adjustment, only niggle, as someone else mentioned, could, just do with another notch, too slide back.
obviously, its always gonna come down too personal preference.
most of the truck manufacturers, are getting in more or less right, perhaps, they just need too consult with drivers abit more, as they are about too put a new model into production.
you could take bits and pieces from all the big players on the market, and, more or less, build the perfect truck.

i didnt know you had changed your job, good luck to you and i hope you enjoy it. i thought you pretty well settled at your last place.

thanks mate.
i was very settled in the last job, but the firm was small family run type business, and sstrugglin too cope in the current climate. there were a few “management” issues too, and some changes were too be made.
most i could deal with, apart from “the 150 pound A WEEK wage drop.”
gutted too be honest, i’d been there a long time, and will miss the trips too portugal and spain alot. i now work for a big uk haulier, doing containers, totally different in every way, from what i’m used too, but, so far so good.
hope it lasts?


i cant seem to reach the steering wheel very well due to my enormous 4’2" and 23 stone :wink:

Congratulations Churchill, let us know if it’s a boy or girl. OH YES!!!


:open_mouth: i`ve never been so insulted :unamused:

Being a “lanky streak of [zb]” as my boss puts it, theres only two of us on the firm over 6’ 2", driving position is critical for comfort whilst being behind the wheel.

I’m the luckiest out of the two of us as I’m the only one that drives my Iveco, but the other guy always complains because so many different people of different height driving his. Though I’ll give the Iveco its due, the lumber and side supports are fantastic on it, though there is one down side and that is the head rest doesn’t have an airbag facility.

jessicas dad:

I’m in a105

cant stand them i would rather a 2 series daf xf commiserations to you.

Me to the only good thing in mine is the fridge

Volvo FH, really good seat, but I’ve always found Volvos comfortable. The split back is great to get the good back support. Althouh I’m 6ft I like to sit near the wheel, so the lack of travel isn’t a problem for me, but our other driver sits in boy racer position and really would like more rear travel.

Always found Renault Premiums comfortable aswell, but never could get comfortable in a Mercedes Actros, the seats was far to hard and didn’t seem to support the top of my back.

i drive an 07 plate actross,it has lumber adjustment x 3, armrests both sides, heated base and back for cold mornings, and its got an extra armrest on the left with a gearknob on it,and to top it all off, its bolted into a 500 hoss megaspace house, if merc can get it this right on this model, why r they building axtors like that ■■?

I drive a 57 plate Scania R420. …The actual seat could do with a bit more padding aswell!!

I have a cushion! :smiley:

I’d like an armrest though…

had a brand new tgx 3 weeks ago and is just about perfect the seat adjust every which way

18 months ago or so was driving a FH 52 reg and the seat was not padded enough as i remember alothgh it did have 600000 km on the clock

But the TGA i was driving up untill 3 weeks ago had almost 900,000 km under its belt (or on top of the seat) apart from a bit of wear to the side no problem but not as good as the TGX

had a day in a cfdaf this week,bliss!no leg/arse/backache at all!so its definately not me fallin to bits…its the bloody axor tryin to kill me!back in it today…backache again :blush: :cry: