How comfortable is your driving position?

I’m in a105

cant stand them i would rather a 2 series daf xf commiserations to you.

I know tesco replaced all there axor seats with the top of the range seats in Ireland.Sean Quinn group also did this-both are bottom line companys so there must have been alot of serious complaints for them to put there hands in there pockets.

all our axors came with the “uprated” seats.54platers,3 or 4 have had new seats fitted already,as they have a knack of breaking at all adjustment points,the padding is so soft,it now feels as tho yr sitting on the frame! they also sit further forward on the runners for some reason?so you have even less legroom!they can slide so far forward,the seat is against the steering column■■?
weve some rigid day cab axors with the standard seats,no problem with seats breaking,and they slide further back? :imp:

The best seat I have ever used was that of a MAN TGX. The seat bent in the middle so that it could be moulded around the driver, combine that with the three lumber supports and you have one good distance seat. I never had an ache once using it

The DAF 105 I live in is quite good. The only faults I find with it are:
The steering wheel doesn’t quite go where I want it to, I kinda like them pretty flat, and it don’t do that (even to allow entry or exit)
Leather trim on the seats… why? It makes my legs hot and uncomfortable on a long drive, especially when it’s warm, even with the aircon on.
And the lumbar support doesn’t quite go high enough for my preference. I sometimes use a small pad to add a bit more.

Thank you for all your comments - I’ll definitely be using some of them in a future T&D.

If the present cases of severe back and leg problems persist and the diagnosis is that the Axor is the disease. Then a remedy and treatment must be put in place.

Mercedes may well find themselves fighting multlple lawsuits for injuries sustained when driving the Axor.

The first truck I drove when I got my license was an axor, I stuck with it for 3 months before the lack of left legroom was causing such bad knee pain I had to quit, over 6 months l8r I am still in agony driving, walking even sitting, currently waiting for an mri on nhs. I had a break to recover from the axor and then got back to work driving a Daf CF, it was a pleasure to drive, 2 weeks of pain free driving, I loved it. Until last week they stuck me in an actros, 4 hrs runcorn to london. I was in agony with knee pain when i got back, Im now scared to even take a job on the agency in case its an axor or actros as i’d just have to hand them the keys back the pain is that bad! No other injury ever sustained to my knee, im 100% percent positive the mercedes is responsible for the agonizing pain I know suffer from on a daily basis.

I have been looking into this problem and its does all come down the the conversion from left to right hand drive and the fact thats theres no health and safety legislation (like that in any office ) guiding the transition. I could go on about this as ive been looking indepth into the problem and will do in another dedicated post but i feel so strongly about how bad the axor/actros problem is i thought I best tell my story.

Glad to see the posts from other axor drivers, I thought it was just me,if id seen these posts a few months ago I prob would have handed my notice in ealier instead of putting up with it for so long and causing my self a injury.

If any injury lawyers out there want to contact me please be my guest, lets get an axor in court and get this problem sorted and the legislation passed!

The Axor, although I’m sure is an excellent fleet motor, just has lost its comfort in the conversion to Right hand drive.
I was speaking to a Portuguese driver only last night about the Axor, he drives a LHD model and has nothing but praise for the driving position.

I think the problem is that the driving position of Left hand drive vehicles isn’t fully copied over to Right hand drive, thus all the money and development time spent on ergonomics is totally undone.

Unless we get a vehicle specifically designed for Right hand drive, I don’t see the problem improving as we will always be an afterthought.


Alex, in my opinion, has hit the nail on the head.
In my R-series Scania there`s minimum left leg room and the exhaust brake button(or engine brake function or whatever you want to call it!) needs someone with a liking for pain to press it and keep it pressed.
Sit in the passenger seat and theres a blank on the left where the brake is on lhd motors… perfectly positioned under yr left foot!
The big manufacturers change lhd to rhd on the cheap

for the last 7 years i mainly drove dafs, of the xf, super space cab variety, and thought it was a fantastic truck, (maybe just because thats what i’d become accustomed too) but, i could never quite get the seat 100% right, and would often change it about, as the day went on. long days too, as at the time, i was running too the algarve.
recently, i have changed employer, and they have a large fleet, consisting of, daf, man, merc, scania, and volvo.
yet too drive them all.
man was pretty good overall.
scania, just couldn’t get comfy, not enough legroom, or padding, and always knew you’d done a full days work in it.
merc, yet too try.
volvo, thus far, has too be my fave, just seems too be, the perfect driving position, (for me anyway) perfect amount of padding, and tilt adjustment, only niggle, as someone else mentioned, could, just do with another notch, too slide back.
obviously, its always gonna come down too personal preference.
most of the truck manufacturers, are getting in more or less right, perhaps, they just need too consult with drivers abit more, as they are about too put a new model into production.
you could take bits and pieces from all the big players on the market, and, more or less, build the perfect truck.

for the last 7 years i mainly drove dafs, of the xf, super space cab variety, and thought it was a fantastic truck, (maybe just because thats what i’d become accustomed too) but, i could never quite get the seat 100% right, and would often change it about, as the day went on. long days too, as at the time, i was running too the algarve.
recently, i have changed employer, and they have a large fleet, consisting of, daf, man, merc, scania, and volvo.
yet too drive them all.
man was pretty good overall.
scania, just couldn’t get comfy, not enough legroom, or padding, and always knew you’d done a full days work in it.
merc, yet too try.
volvo, thus far, has too be my fave, just seems too be, the perfect driving position, (for me anyway) perfect amount of padding, and tilt adjustment, only niggle, as someone else mentioned, could, just do with another notch, too slide back.
obviously, its always gonna come down too personal preference.
most of the truck manufacturers, are getting in more or less right, perhaps, they just need too consult with drivers abit more, as they are about too put a new model into production.
you could take bits and pieces from all the big players on the market, and, more or less, build the perfect truck.

i didnt know you had changed your job, good luck to you and i hope you enjoy it. i thought you pretty well settled at your last place.

just a note to add,the 54plate axor i have the displeasure of driving is being fitted with a new seat…the"uprated"one currently in it has broken at so many adjustment points,its now beyond repair,thats over half a dozen of our axor fleet that have needed new seats?the scanias t and x plate,actros 51,02 plate have never had a seat replaced■■? quality parts in the axor then?
ps still suffering back/leg/arse ache :cry: :cry: :cry:

In Scania need i say more! :frowning: Worst driving postion ever. Does not matter what i do.

My 85 CF is the most comfortable wagon, I’ve had to drive, since my H reg FL10. I was in a 08 Scania topline, the other week, and it wasn’t as good a driving position as the CF. (Mine’s older than 3 year old, but the model’s still current)

Although some trucks have better seating than others, in reality, none are really suitable. I have driven many different makes, and although the seats are a vast improvement on the earlier models, i can honestly say the Scania is the worst…i drive a CF Daf, and no matter where i adjust it…it gives me bad backache, and ive already had a discremoved from my lower back. Slightly off topic, i would also like to ask about sun protection (sun visors) and whether they actually give sufficient cover. Again thescania and daf come to mind, the best solution is theblindas in Man & Daf xf. One further point on comfort...who from the department ofConstruction & Use, actually tests, looks, examines these vehicles prior to allowing them to be used on uk roads, as in my opinion, they are not suitable or have not been constructed as suitable for drivers needs and safety.

I drive an 07 DAF XF and struggle with getting a good position for the steering column. Had an 08 DAF CF and found that was alot better. Not had the pleasure of a new Scania yet but had an X-reg 420 on last job and that was really good. I have to say though that i’m more comfy with any seat when I drop all the air and sit on the floor!!! Hate feeling like I’m in a boat :confused:

I’m 6’0", 13 stone and wear size 11 or 12 shoes.

I’ve been driving a Megaspace Actros for the last two years.
Although I can’t quite adjust the seat to the ‘perfect’ position, it’s still pretty comfortable. My only real complaint is that the inflatable lumbar supports aren’t in a particularly good position, for me.

I was in an MAN XXL before that, which had an extremely comfortable seat.
I don’t remember any problems what-so-ever with it.

The wagon before that was a Scania 4 series Topliner.
Although the seat itself was very comfortable, there was only very limited space for my left foot. I had to take several extra rest stops in a full driving day, to get out and have a walk and stretch, otherwise I would have trouble walking for some time after parking up.

These have all been RHD units.

Most comfortable - Volvo FH :smiley:

Most uncomfortable MAN TGA :cry:

I’m 5ft 4" (almost!), so a lot depends on your stature as to how comfortable a truck is to drive.


I’m 6’1" & as a result tend to have the seat fully back, this gives me a comfortable leg position but in some motors I have to tilt the front of the seat base up to give me a little more space from the pedals, as a result I end up almost laying down in the F1 racing driver position, this then means that in some motors I can’t reach the wheel comfortably, the FH seats & the Scania seats with the split backrest are the only ones that allow me to stop fidgeting all day & if you do a bit of spanner work & move the armrests from the passenger that makes a lot of difference to day long comfort.

Mind you now I’m in Canada driving American spec trucks, comfort is no longer an issue, the simple fact is that no matter what truck I drive I will not get comfortable at all, the Kenworth seat no matter how good it is cannot protect you from the terrible ride & the Volvo that I have at the moment has a cupboard/locker arrangement behind the seats so that the back rest is too upright. They may look all glamorous but you know it when you get out out the chair after a 700 mile day that’s for sure!

I drive an 08 plate FH12. 6’ tall 16 1/2 stone. The seat is all the way back, and I have it at full height. Sometimes I have to shuffle over to the left of the seat to stop my right buttock from clicking the seat height adjuster down a click or two :blush: Lumbar support is not as good as it could be. I drove a 52 plate Stralis a few months ago which was miles more comfortable IMO.

the problem i have in most modern trucks is that if i have the seat low
enough to reach the peddles i cant see through the windscreen,
if i have it high enough to see through the screen i cant reach
the peddles.
also i cant seem to reach the steering wheel very well due to my enormous 4’2" and 23 stone :wink: