How cold?

It was minus 12 here last night, that’s right -12 deg C.

Last night I thought I would play a prank on a neighbours car. So I filled a bucket of water and tipped it over his car. I couldn’t believe it, it froze instantly. Actually it was pretty “cool”… :laughing:

Funny thing is though, he didn’t go out this morning so he didn’t have to chisel his way into his car. He did see the funny side of it though… :wink:

How cold is it where you are?

With a bit of luck the irish sea will freeze.

I’ll be first on the ice road. :laughing:

-6 here, and THAT’s NOT COLD ENOUGH!

I keep looking at the outside, the frost, the chill air, and my brain remembers a winter in Manitoba and tells me it’s getting autumnal… :cry:

Ice road truckers uk style. Sounds good :laughing:

Ice road truckers uk style. Sounds good :laughing:

Half way across the irish sea vosa will park you up. :laughing:

-6 here, and THAT’s NOT COLD ENOUGH!

I keep looking at the outside, the frost, the chill air, and my brain remembers a winter in Manitoba and tells me it’s getting autumnal… :cry:

Who did you work for in Manitoba mate? It’s been about -40 there lately… :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

It was minus 12 here last night, that’s right -12 deg C.

Last night I thought I would play a prank on a neighbours car. So I filled a bucket of water and tipped it over his car. I couldn’t believe it, it froze instantly. Actually it was pretty “cool”… :laughing:

Funny thing is though, he didn’t go out this morning so he didn’t have to chisel his way into his car. He did see the funny side of it though… :wink:

How cold is it where you are?

Typical southern softie. :laughing:


it was -12c in frövi, sweden this morning, not much considering it was -9c one morning in december in vitoria gasteiz…

It was minus 12 here last night, that’s right -12 deg C.
How cold is it where you are?

I was in Edmonton Alberta last week. It was never above minus 15 and at times was minus 34. Add in the wind chill and it was in the minus 40s.

Arrived back on Sunday at Heathrow and found it was minus 5 here . Felt rather warm. I’ve been chuckling all week at the moaning about the “Arctic” temperatures the UK is suffering.


-4.5C down here in Hastings, had the deck chair and hankie out drinking me beer. Never mind, heading home in the morning to an even frostier reception from the wife.

It was -22oc when i drove back from poland tuesday, with -15-18oc temp through Germany, Holland.
Little bit chilli’ :astonished:

I Agree with you Bigjonsdad’ what a nation of moaners ay :exclamation: :laughing: :laughing:
After driving 800 odd miles from Poland tuesday, it wasnt until i arrived back in the U.K that i was able to use my windscreenwashers again :exclamation: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
“Call that cold Ay” :laughing:

It’s -10 to -15degC during the day across most of Europe - and some countries are without gas as the Russians tapped off and reserves have been used… That’s a little worrying and not -12 outside at night when you’re in warm bed

it was like -1 up here lol

it hink its 2 or 3 degrees outside

Good training for Canada. As long as it’s sunny I’m not bothered how cold it is. Takes me back to my days in the Army when it was -5 or whatever and we had to do PT in tee-shirt and shorts.

Now who was saying about Southern Softies■■? :wink: :sunglasses:

Good training for Canada. As long as it’s sunny I’m not bothered how cold it is. Takes me back to my days in the Army when it was -5 or whatever and we had to do PT in tee-shirt and shorts.

Now who was saying about Southern Softies■■? :wink: :sunglasses:

You get exactly the same benefits when you have hypertension :smiley:

-46 f here last week, pretty normal for saskatchewan…

Cold is in the mind…Personally I am fed up with people going on about it so…Wherever I tip the opening line is…“Freezing innit?”

A degree in stating the obviousis worthless and tedious. :angry:

cold enough that the handbrake cables had frozen on my car when I came out of work tonight.

We actually got up as high as -14 for an hour today, but then it snowed. Tomorrow they are saying it will get up to -15 but then go down to -29 tomorrow night.

Andy, you know it’s cold when you pee and it freezes on contact with the ground, and when the little splashes freeze before they land. You all have heard of licking lampposts in the cold. I suggest you don’t try it as it really will stick. If you lick your finger at -20 it will stick to any metal surface when you touch it.

In the UK, the -12 is a real problem. Keep an eye out for your neighbours please.