How Cold where you are

With all the warnings of the cold weather
How HOT or Cold is it where you are
I can only say I have a gadget in my lappy that takes the temp from somewhere in Bristol
It says -5

It’s -2 on the west ■■■■■■■ coastline. :wink:

My laptop widget says its 0C here, there is still snow lying around the field and car park

driving up the M6 earlier, it said -6.5 around Stoke on Trent

On my laptop its says -7

Got up for work at 7am and the car said -4 but its got up as high as 4 this afternoon.

-18 here the last 2 days
right now its zero and snowing 18.18 Swedish time
its still snowing 3 hrs after I wrote the above :unamused:

Delivering in Newport today truck said it was -10

-11 on the road to Elgin!!!


coming over the a66 today,my temp gauge on dash got down to -12,never seen it there before.felt like that last nite though when my night heater packed up in blantyre. :frowning: :frowning: