how annoying!!!!

though i enjoy this site and its band of merry men, but is it me or has it gone into turtle mode (probably to many advertisments) :imp:

I agree entirely.

However the bills must be paid and unless you want an independently run forum with members paying a subscription fee then this is the way it will be from now on. The new style and layout is rather bland unless it is a work in progress, which I doubt very much as it mimics the mags pages, would be nice to be able to adjust the forum colours to your own personal taste though. :unamused:

I agree entirely.

However the bills must be paid and unless you want an independently run forum with members paying a subscription fee then this is the way it will be from now on. The new style and layout is rather bland unless it is a work in progress, which I doubt very much as it mimics the mags pages, would be nice to be able to adjust the forum colours to your own personal taste though. :unamused:

yer i agree entirely, the new layout is ok and probably work in progress but looks like a goverment site now but maybe there are more partners involved now in the managing of the site? i just found it very slow and non reponsive at times other than that its not my place to have a moan because its still subscription free and still a wealth of info, just hope it dosent turn into certain truck mags with bias info etc etc but still thumbs up for the work the peeps do

I agree, dont like the white background for a start. Ok the site has to draw revenue but may be (and Ive not been on for a week or so, so dont jump down my throat if I have missed a post) it could have asked its users/members for something that is easier on the eye. :confused:

It costs pennies to run a forum and absolutely nothing at all to make them, exept man hours. So what bills would need to be paid for this forum other than the hosting chargesâ– â– ?

Seperate the forum from the main website as they are two different entities tied into one.


It costs pennies to run a forum and absolutely nothing at all to make them, exept man hours. So what bills would need to be paid for this forum other than the hosting chargesâ– â– ?

Seperate the forum from the main website as they are two different entities tied into one.


Does it?
with 1.7 million page views a month, many large images hosted the bandwidth expended alone costs a bit more than pennies, providing the free hospitality area at Truckfest for the members here doesnt come free either… or the free bar at the forum annual do (postponed this year BTW). The small but not insignificant point that we are liable for whats posted and when we get nasty letters from lawyers we have to pay our lawyers to get them off our backs and there is the small point but important to me it also pays wages, to help me pay the mortgage and feed the kids.

But if you think you can do it for pennies then please go ahead others have done so with varying success.

I have several very sucessfull forums under my belt including one that was purchased earlier this year by a local council.

I have never earned a penny from any of them other than the one I sold and I onlu sold that because the council tried to do me for interlectual property theft. They failed and then asked me to sell.

All im saying is I do this as a hobby and it can be done for next to nothing. If you want to make a living from it fair doo’s, many do.


I have several very sucessfull forums under my belt

got any links? would be good to see what other peple are doing :grimacing:

It costs pennies to run a forum and absolutely nothing at all to make them, exept man hours. So what bills would need to be paid for this forum other than the hosting chargesâ– â– ?

Seperate the forum from the main website as they are two different entities tied into one.


Once again you are talking absolute BS. :unamused:

Good job im ignoring Rob (zb) eh!

I dont need to prove myself by adding links to my sites. Im just saying it costs next to nothing to make and run a forum.

If you would like me to show you how its done please feel free to give me a subject and a random/realistic number of members and ill show you.


personal attack removed

Good job im ignoring Rob (zb) eh!

I dont need to prove myself by adding links to my sites. Im just saying it costs next to nothing to make and run a forum.

If you would like me to show you how its done please feel free to give me a subject and a random/realistic number of members and ill show you.


Come on then clever ■■■■. You reckon you have all the answers so tell us how much you could run this forum for, that has 1.7m hits per month and own file hosting. And no, “next to nothing” is not an answer. I want a figure.

Edited the quote see above

Good job im ignoring Rob (zb) eh!

One day he may get the message that nobody likes him.
personal attack removed again

Good job im ignoring Rob (zb) eh!

One day he may get the message that nobody likes him.

As expected. You don’t have a clue about hosting and hence don’t have the guts to risk making a ■■■■ of yourself by quoting a figure. Instead you resort to childish comments in attempt to escape the spotlight but all it’s done it make you look even more of a [zb].

Rikki, seeing as he claims to be ignoring me (which we all know is BS) perhaps you would like to ask him the question as apparently he can save you a fortune and host your site for “next to nothing”.

Personal attack removed

Good job im ignoring Rob (zb)eh!

When you start using this forum in a polite manner as is expected of members without the constant abuse of its members then maybe you would get some straight answers.

As it happens I am a self employed HGV driver and have no interest in saving money for anyone other than me and my family and certainly have no interest in hosting a third party forum.

Im a driver with a hobby.


personal attack removed

Just to keep Rob happy im off to earn some brass so wont reply for a good couple of hours.

With Rob clearly informed of my whereabouts and reason for no reaponse i feel happy I may return without a barrage of abuse for not responding quick enough.


Good job im ignoring Rob the Nob eh!

When you start using this forum in a polite manner as is expected of members without the constant abuse of its members then maybe you would get some straight answers.

As it happens I am a self employed HGV driver and have no interest in saving money for anyone other than me and my family and certainly have no interest in hosting a third party forum.

Im a driver with a hobby.


Translates as

I am full of [zb] and have no idea how the [zb] I’m going to get out of this huge hole I’ve dug myself so to try and make myself look good I’ll continue being a jerk and carry on bad-mouthing Rob K because that’s an easier option than being made to a [zb].

i would like to no how so treat me like a dull spud because i havent a clue, me and the mrs was gonna try making one for parents of premature kids because of the variety of implications involved getting info is hard so a forum would of been of great use to us and other parents seeking info etc… maybe it would be to hard for a man of my ability but worth a shout

As you say Sticklicence you are a HGV driver with a hobby, this is a business that pays wages and I would guess employs a good few people. How on earth do you think this site can be run for pennys? Hobby and business two big differences wouldnt you agree?

Out of interest if you have SOLD your web site to a local Council are they now using it, if so post the link I’d like to have a butchers?

My point earlier was I, my own opinion dont like the look of the new site to look at, prefered the blue background.Bland was the word used earlier and I agree with that.

Watch this space