I put it on POA or break all the time when I’m sat doing nothing. Just some weeks when you get given 5 or 6 drops every day and maxing your 15s and 13s you might not get much non working time in apart from your 45s. It’s fine until Friday. But then when you get put on a run where your not home without being asked about this ridiculous compulsory overtime that’s when it messes you up when you’ve already done a week with high hours.
But the planners don’t care do they. All they care about is getting the loads out and delivered on time and then not running back empty. If any of that means a driver going over hours they aren’t bothered.
Then with all due respect stop [zb] whining!
He’s playing THEIR game by using poa, therefore displaying to them, by conforming, that he takes it seriously, so ‘‘■■■■ it up’’ I would say.
What would you do? Or should I not be getting stressed over those amounts over my time?
Use a diary & some basic maths. 26 x 48 = 1248 working hours in a 26 week reference period. Check down every week. During the week keep a running total and if you’re using them really quick speak with your planner EARLY Wednesday or Thursday latest. If the planner insists on blowing 55+ hour weeks into you early in the reference period start e-mailing your running totals in asking to be planned a workload to bring your weekly average back in line & copy your manager in. Print a copy off and keep it in your work bag.
If you get any more infringement sign offs attach a copy of said e-mails by way of explanation writing the date & time of the e-mail on the infringement form. You’ve shown your efforts to comply let them swivel on it.
So If you are on 48 wtd after 4 days and they’re doing this regularly you can request to not work the 5th for full pay or am I reading the responses incorrectly?
So If you are on 48 wtd after 4 days and they’re doing this regularly you can request to not work the 5th for full pay or am I reading the responses incorrectly?
You are reading it incorrectly. You still have a possible 12 hours work left. You can work up to 60 hours in a week. Your company can opt for either a 17 week or 26 week reference period. Within the chosen reference period you must not exceed an average of 48 hours work. As for being stood down and getting a days pay that will depend on your terms and conditions.
So If you are on 48 wtd after 4 days and they’re doing this regularly you can request to not work the 5th for full pay or am I reading the responses incorrectly?
You are reading it incorrectly. You still have a possible 12 hours work left.
Not if your average over 28 week period is above 48 is what I meant.
It is NOT up to the driver to keep track of the WTD average weekly 48 over the reference period or the max weekly 60 hour bit - that is the employers duty as they have the computers and admin to do it if they choose to
All the driver has to do is to give the info to the employer which in most cases means presenting the digicard for download
It is NOT up to the driver to keep track of the WTD average weekly 48 over the reference period or the max weekly 60 hour bit - that is the employers duty as they have the computers and admin to do it if they choose to
All the driver has to do is to give the info to the employer which in most cases means presenting the digicard for download
All the more reason as to why then are they issueing the DRIVER an infringement. It is not he who has infringed if the responsibility for compliance and monitoring lie solely with the employer.
If this is the deal, whether vosa take an interest or not I would refuse to sign it, and send a letter back saying the reason why is the above and citing the regulations.
Call me old fashioned but I don’t like little bits of paper with my signature lying around for things I have no responsility for
Why are you all taking this so serious? Don’t you get the irony? A troll asks a “serious” question about a perceived wtd infringement, and you go through great lengths to explain why he should ignore it…
I reckon your Trollometer is a bit over active ND, along with your cynicism.
Not all of these guys who…
A. Ask stupid questions.
B. Ask extremely stupid questions.
C. Ask naive questions.
D. Ask questions that are both.
E. Worry unduly about triviaities in rules and regulations, to the point of high stress.
Are necessarily trolls.
The world of transport (and apparentlly Trucknet) is awash with neurotic incompetents who have not got a didgeri what they are doing, can not think for themselves, and can not see reality, but believe any old bs that they are told, and wing the job on a daily basis.
I was always advised to keep a diary. And staple any print outs to the day you did them. Don’t know if an old tachograph would fit lol. Maybe you will need a big diary haha
As ROB says…POA is a means to squeeze the extra hours out of you…so DONT use it, as its hours your on duty…that doesnt count…your probably lucky in the fact you only work 60 hrs a week, many work 80 hrs a week, so your 20 hrs better off than most…this 48 hr week was not meant for transport ( mobile workers ) its for the 9-5 office bods…transport will never get a decent working day…unless you force them to give it, but that means putting up a fight…by refusing to work more than 12 hrs…and refusing to reduce your daily rest…so basically a 12 on and a 12 off…is the way forward…but you aint gonna get it without a fight…lets hope the transport minister is reading this.