Hours question

Does a weekly rest have to finish befor the end of the 7th day of the working week, or can a 45hour break go into the following week if I also intent to take a weekly rest at the end of that week to??
work- Monday to Friday, take 45hour break (sat-sun)
Work -Monday to Saturday, take 24hour break (sun)
““Work - Monday to Saturday, take 45hour break(off Sunday Monday)””
Work - Tuesday to Friday, take 45 hour break (sat-sun)

Is this legal??
I’m told no by our tacho guy at work but I can’t see a problem!
The week in the “” is the issue

Here we go again…

Let’s see if we can keep it under ten pages this time eh?

Here we go again…

Let’s see if we can keep it under ten pages this time eh?

I’m sorry sir, I thought this was a helpful forum where people could ask questions they needed answers too!! Am I mistaken?

Yes it’s legal

Am I mistaken?

No my good man you’re not. It is indeed a helpful forum of friendly and informative people.


Here we go again…

Let’s see if we can keep it under ten pages this time eh?

I’m sorry sir, I thought this was a helpful forum where people could ask questions they needed answers too!! Am I mistaken?

Hi damo84,

It is indeed a friendly and helpful forum… that is until those who think that the price of fish will make a difference to the question asked get posting here. Then it’ll be 10 pages soon enough. :smiley:

It’s just banter mate, but the observation made by yourhavingalarf is spot-on in that drivers’ hours is a subject that brings many opinions, and (quite often) ends up being pulled around in all directions!!

Max 144 hours between weekly rests so its legal

Does a weekly rest have to finish befor the end of the 7th day of the working week, or can a 45hour break go into the following week if I also intent to take a weekly rest at the end of that week to??

A weekly rest period does not have to be completed within a fixed week nor does it have to be completed within 7 days from the end of the previous weekly rest period, it does have to start no later than 144 hours from the end of the previous weekly rest period though.

work- Monday to Friday, take 45hour break (sat-sun)
Work -Monday to Saturday, take 24hour break (sun)
““Work - Monday to Saturday, take 45hour break(off Sunday Monday)””
Work - Tuesday to Friday, take 45 hour break (sat-sun)

Is this legal??
I’m told no by our tacho guy at work but I can’t see a problem!
The week in the “” is the issue

As long as when you do six shifts it’s no more than 144 hours between weekly rest periods that’s legal.

I think he’s got confused coz you’ve thrown 2 six day weeks at him. Weekly rests that span 2 working weeks can count in either but not both so that pattern you’ve posted shows that any 2 rolling weeks contain at least 1 regular and 1 reduced weekly rest.

Thanks for the help guys!!