getting back to trucks again and I have a couple of questions.
I am using a vehicle with a cassette type analogue tachograph
I find it difficult to understand was used to the clock face type.
I put the chart in at 5 am drive for about 1 hour
I then spend nearly 2 hours unloading and loading the chart shows poa for that
time I think this is wrong and maybe I am not working the machine correctly.
I then drive for about 40 mins and spend 40 mins tipping
I spend 2 hours 15 mins in the yard fueling up , cleaning out the back of the truck
taking empty pallets and waste out.
I then take a 1 hour break this shows on the chart as the bed symbol.
end of days work.
Is my chart ok ?
also I am away to read up on analogue cassette tachos
thanks in advance.
your tacho is possibly set to POA as default when not driving, this can be changed by an approved tach calibration site
I did notice there was no break in there what i suggest you do is write on rear of chard incorrect mode switch error and manually correct the chart at the rear
your boss has a legal responsability to ensure you know how to work the tacho so id brief him (He should know this)
every time you stop for a break physically change the mode switch
At present POA with no other work would be a dead giveaway for trying to fraud the tacho & WTD drivers offences can lead to up to 2 years imprisonment
That chart will be avail for checks for 1 year / 2 years if you use the chart to keep working time records. Its in your own interest to cover your arse
getting back to trucks again and I have a couple of questions.
I am using a vehicle with a cassette type analogue tachograph
I find it difficult to understand was used to the clock face type.
I put the chart in at 5 am drive for about 1 hour
I then spend nearly 2 hours unloading and loading the chart shows poa for that
time I think this is wrong and maybe I am not working the machine correctly.
I then drive for about 40 mins and spend 40 mins tipping
I spend 2 hours 15 mins in the yard fueling up , cleaning out the back of the truck
taking empty pallets and waste out.
I then take a 1 hour break this shows on the chart as the bed symbol.
end of days work.
Is my chart ok ?
also I am away to read up on analogue cassette tachos
thanks in advance.
Going by the times you’ve given you do a total of 6 hours 25 minutes working time before having a 1 hour break, you should have a break of at least 15 minutes sometime before exceeding 6 hours working time if you wish to comply with the working time regulations.
You say you’re booking POA whilst unloading/loading, this is wrong and you should be aware that you are committing an offence by doing this, before you start driving change the tachograph mode to other work (cross hammers) and the tachograph should default back to other work when you stop driving, if for any reason the tachograph does not change to other work when you stop driving change it by pressing the button marked “1” on the tachograph.
Whilst you are working the tachograph should be set to “Other Work” mode otherwise you are committing an offence that could cost you money in the unlikely event that you get caught.
I don’t understand why you’re putting it on POA whilst loading because if you’re putting the tachograph on break you obviously know how to change the mode
Anyway the tachograph should be set on the following modes during the day:
Whilst loading/unloading or doing any other type of work (except driving) the tachograph mode should be set to “Other Work” (cross hammers)
Whilst driving the tachograph will automatically change to “Driving” and change back to the mode it was on before you started driving when you stop.
For break the tachograph mode should be set to the bed symbol.
Other Work
Sincere thanks to those that have replied.
I am very grateful and the quality of the replies is awesome!
cheers guys will take on board the good advice.