Horizontal scrolling

On this forum in the “Future of Truck etc” item, I can read page one fine but on page 2 I have to scroll sideways to read every line■■? Which is a pain. This is on a 19 inch LCD screen. It cant be my settings,well I don’t think anyway, as page one is fine. Any ideas? Ta. I just previewed this post and it does the same, but my type is “all in the box” as it were??

It is simply because of the size of the picture jimti posted so you can blame him. :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: If he had resized the picture before posting then there would have been no horizontal scrolling. That page will continue to have horizontal scrolling as long as that picture remains on it at that size.

There are really only two thing that cause horizontal scrolling, large pictures and very long weblinks, both are easily cured. In the first case resize the picture so it is smaller and in the second display the url in this manner

[url=www.trucknet.com]whatever text you want, for example Click Here or TruckNet[/url]

All true, but if you hit ‘return’ at the end of each line in the reply box, instead of letting it happen automatically, at least your text will be within the normal page width. Much easier to read. :wink:

All true, but if you hit ‘return’ at the end of each line in the reply box, instead of letting it happen automatically, at least your text will be within the normal page width. Much easier to read. :wink:

Aah, but what IS a “normal” page width ?
(Something I have been wrestling with since 1996 BTW !)
It’s generally considered bad form to state proudly on the front page that your site “looks best at 1024x800” or whatever. The page should adapt gracefully to whatever input it gets. Maybe the maintainers of this site should look into using ImageMagick :wink: and get the pictures resized automatically.

( BTW, I know what you meant, but with a larger screen res. some people might not see a problem with the wrapping )
PS, nice to see the times correct now though :wink: :laughing:

We are looking at various new platforms to replace the ageing and security holed PhPBB .

one of the requirements we are looking for in the new platform ( apart from being able to migrate all the data from here) is to incorporate an image upload/resize onto the forums