Home delivery service in trouble

Almost 700 jobs are set to be axed by a UK parcel carrier following a decision to restructure its delivery network, unions say.

Unions say job losses will be the result of site closures

The Usdaw and Unite unions said they were “devastated” by the announcement from Home Delivery Network Ltd that 686 jobs could be lost.

The unions said they were working with HDNL to minimise compulsory redundancies.

Irene Radigan of Usdaw said: “The home shopping sector has seen a steady decline over the last few years and these redundancies are not a direct result of the economic downturn.”

“Our aim is to ensure that those people who are made redundant leave the business with the best chance of securing future employment.”

Julia Long of Unite added: "The decision to close eight sites will have a devastating affect on our members and their families.

“We will be doing all we can within the consultation process to save as many jobs as we can.”

The consultation process begins next week, with unions vowing to scrutinise the business case for the closures

A sign of the times unfortunately, contraction of the economy and consequently less stuff to deliver will effect others in time too.

Come on Neil, keep up !!

Interestingly, HDNC deliver for Litlewoods direct and they seem to be flat out at the moment. Well thats if you go by he amount of stuff they are recieving.

i understand Argos in Ireland will be cutting the home delivery as well.

Correct me if I’m wrong (and I’m sure you will) :laughing:
But I reckon this might be an isolated incident. For last few weeks a couple of the home delivery companies near me have been desperatly taking any van or car they can lay their hands on!!

They’re so flat out, that they will even let people do deliveries part time, in they’re own cars :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Sad if it does happen as they deliver my wife’s medical supplies and they are all good lads, if I am not at home they will bring the boxes inside the house for her, not all the carriers will do this.


Sad if it does happen as they deliver my wife’s medical supplies and they are all good lads, if I am not at home they will bring the boxes inside the house for her, not all the carriers will do this.


this all depends on the driver you get, when i did it i always asked where they wanted parcels if they were big or could clearly tell they cant pick them up themselves, or if they asked for me to place it somewhere i did it, some guys only take it to the door though.

I was seeing their vans out working until 8o’clock on the run up to Christmas.
You’d think the company would have made enough money then to see itself through a lean period.
It seems that they expected the drivers to work their guts out when busy but as soon as things go a bit quiet it’s,“Thanks lads,pick up your cards on the way out.”

Almost 700 jobs are set to be axed by a UK parcel carrier following a decision to restructure its delivery network, unions say.

Unions say job losses will be the result of site closures

The Usdaw and Unite unions said they were “devastated” by the announcement from Home Delivery Network Ltd that 686 jobs could be lost.

The unions said they were working with HDNL to minimise compulsory redundancies.

Irene Radigan of Usdaw said: “The home shopping sector has seen a steady decline over the last few years and these redundancies are not a direct result of the economic downturn.”

“Our aim is to ensure that those people who are made redundant leave the business with the best chance of securing future employment.”

Julia Long of Unite added: "The decision to close eight sites will have a devastating affect on our members and their families.

“We will be doing all we can within the consultation process to save as many jobs as we can.”

The consultation process begins next week, with unions vowing to scrutinise the business case for the closures

Have you got proof ?

Because ROG might slap you … :wink:

26 years an Lgv Trainer:
Have you got proof ?

Because ROG might slap you … :wink:

Its true we’ve had the memo up on the wall since Monday.

its nothing new for HDNL. They’ve been “restructuring” AKA shutting depots since the merger of Business Express and Reality. There was a lot of duplicity of depots in the network. Such as ex Business Express depot at Gildersome and Ex Reality depot 400 yards down the road in Morley.


I was seeing their vans out working until 8o’clock on the run up to Christmas.
You’d think the company would have made enough money then to see itself through a lean period.
It seems that they expected the drivers to work their guts out when busy but as soon as things go a bit quiet it’s,“Thanks lads,pick up your cards on the way out.”

pretty mch tbh.