Home breathalyser kit

Sorry if this is covered elsewhere, but couldn’t find anything on search.

Anyone recommend one of these? Have noticed a few round the £60 mark, but which to choose?

Also any high street retailers sell them? Any i’ve seen are online.


no idea pal. but why risk your licence?
don’t drink the night before you drive.

I’ve got one, largely for novelty value. Although it does seem to give a reasonable indication of how unfit to drive I would expect to be following intake of a given amount of alcohol, I wouldn’t rely on it to set off down the road in certainty of being legal, and in fact I won’t drive after any alcohol at all.

Can’t remember the make of it, I bought it off eBay for about £15.

i have an Andatech one, conforms to australian standards etc

it has a variance of 0.01%, so the legal limit for car drivers is .05, so if i blow 0.04 i wouldnt drive, but if i blew 0.03 i would, because ive been stopped and breathalysed about 5 mins after using it once leaving the pub, my own machine told me i was 0.01 and the police one said i was .00

so as far as im concerned its reliable, but when youre driving a truck in australia you have to be .00 anyway so just wont drink, couple beers night before work is alright though.

Thanks for responses. I never drink the night before driving a truck, but would attend the odd bike rally and am just a bit concerned about maybe being over the next morning…normally leave about 12 hours between drinking and riding home i.e. midnight-midday, but just wanted to get one of these to gauge levels

Thanks for responses. I never drink the night before driving a truck, but would attend the odd bike rally and am just a bit concerned about maybe being over the next morning…normally leave about 12 hours between drinking and riding home i.e. midnight-midday, but just wanted to get one of these to gauge levels

Dude, you’d have to have consumed a hell of a lot of alcohol to still be over after 12 hours.

CLICK HERE for some great info about alcohol and how the body deals with it.

There’s no reason why you can’t enjoy a few beers etc and drive the next day, it’s just a case of applying common sense.

BTW, most of those home breathalyser things are totally inaccurate and should NOT be relied upon! Don’t waste your money mate.

normally leave about 12 hours between drinking and riding home i.e. midnight-midday,

Totally agree with you Hooly.
If ive had a few i always think “12 hours between bottle and throttle”

But then i dont normally drink at all in the week just weekends

There’s no reason why you can’t enjoy a few beers etc and drive the next day, it’s just a case of applying common sense.


Just like smoking a ■■■ down the pub, having a couple of beers after a hard day’s graft is one of those Proletarian pleasures that our Glorious Stalinist Administration is determined to stamp out for us contemptable “lower orders”.

Dude, you’d have to have consumed a hell of a lot of alcohol to still be over after 12 hours.

CLICK HERE for some great info about alcohol and how the body deals with it.

There’s no reason why you can’t enjoy a few beers etc and drive the next day, it’s just a case of applying common sense.

BTW, most of those home breathalyser things are totally inaccurate and should NOT be relied upon! Don’t waste your money mate.

Have never ridden home before i’ve felt safe to do so as wife is on pillion, but feeling safe and being legal are two seperate issues and it’d be a real sickener to lose the books for being a point or so over.


normally leave about 12 hours between drinking and riding home i.e. midnight-midday,

Totally agree with you Hooly.
If ive had a few i always think “12 hours between bottle and throttle”

But then i dont normally drink at all in the week just weekends

Never touch a drop during the week myself, but i remember one fella used to polish off a bottle of bacardi on an overnighter then set off again, fresh as a daisy, after about 4 hours sleep :open_mouth:

To be honest I don’t think 12hours is enough between stopping drinking and being fit to drive if you drink quite a bit one night. When I was younger I used to go out drinking and would always leave it 12hours before i’d set off home on the bike (the fresh air makes you feel fine) as I was fairly sure that’d be enough, but looking back I’m not sure it really was sometimes.

Since I started driving for a living I no longer drink during the week at all, I like to have a bottle of cider on a thursday night after work as friday i’m usually in most of the day and also sometimes on friday night, but saturday I won’t drink as it’s back to work sunday. I’m virtually positive one bottle of cider the night before driving wouldn’t even register on the breathalyser the next day, but I’d just rather not have any alcohol in my body at all, then there’s no doubt.

in my experience, about 4 pints wont even register after 6 - 8 hours of sleep, so i wouldnt worry too much

The guidelines for the rate of alcohol removal from the body is 1 unit an hour. 1 pint of 4% lager is 2 units, so if i drink 10 pints one night in theory it is going to take 20 hours to be completely clear, if i stop drinking at 12 midnight, theoretically i shouldnt drive until 8pm the next day.

lets say i went on a complete bender and drank 10 pints of stella, stella is 3 units of alcohol in a pint = 30 units = 30 hours

i used to leave 12 hours before driving, but now i dont drive at all the next day if ive been on a bender the night before. ( i dont drink the night before driving trucks anyway) am thinking about buying a breathaliser for this reason, i wouldnt drive after drinking, but after a night on the sauce you just cant tell when you are completley clear of booze.

For all those techno-phobics
(sat-nav haters etc… :stuck_out_tongue: )

Theres a easy way,
after urinating , have a little sip,

if it tastes like stella youve still got alcohol in your system

if it tastes like carling , its pure urine :laughing:

Stella is Belgian for Carling - lol

Stella is Belgian for Carling - lol

Someone has that as a signature on a motorcycle forum I use Ali.

“In Belgium. Stella Artois is a girls drink” :stuck_out_tongue:

Stella is Belgian for Carling - lol

Is that why its know as Europes battlefield lol

off topic, but the stella on tap in belgium is a million miles better than the crap you get in the UK