Highways England is crippiling the economy

Captain Caveman 76:
For me the issue isn’t the road closures themselves, it’s the lack of information beforehand of them. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve come across a shut road without any warning. If I’d know in advance I’d have taken a different route.

Oh, so very, very true. Im sick to the back teeth of them. Especially in East Anglia. Tonight on the A14it was closedeast bound fron Newmarket, closed west bound at jn36, then 33 to 31. The only compensation is that Im not paying for the diesel.

Thursday night’s “Ponce about of the week”:-

Going around M25 anticlockwise around 1am…

Gantry says “A12 closed NORTH”. OK I thought. It’s an east west road, so I’ll assume the hard-of-thinking actually meant east… Good job I don’t want to go to Chelmsford I suppose…

Pass the golf course and that farm playground that never seems to have any farm animals in it, let alone kids…

Gantry says “M25 exit to M11 North closed.” ‘■■■■!’ Thinks I… Ok, around to J26 and back on myself…

J26 exit closed - I’m getting a bit worried getting up towards Cambridge by this point…

Ok, I’ll have to take the gamble and go down the M11 towards town… Have not been down that way for a while, but I seem to remember there being a junction for Loughton before it hits the north circular…

Loughton junction is “on” only, as I’t must have been for yonks… Bah! Poor memory on my part by the looks of it…
Nothing for it but to carry on down… Eventually do a U turn at Gants Hill juction, and back up the M11…
Hit 4:15m warning just as I’m approaching stanstead turnoff…
Have a go “Trying it on” getting into Birchanger services for a 30m park-up… The MSA is soo full of trucks, they are spilling back out the sliproad. All overnighting too! :open_mouth: :frowning:

Last chance… Pop along the A120 towards Braintree… Phew! One last layby with a dutchman not quite occupying all of the last slot… Pull in behind him, freezer a blaring, keep arse in and back lights on like the responsible fellow I am… Take my 30m… Around the next roundabout, back to the M11, and finally resume my trip up the M11 having lost around 100minutes… :frowning:

What TF are they thinking shutting all those “off” slip roads at once FFS? :imp: :angry:

Winseer, sorry to sound pedantic, but the farm play ground is shut at one am, the animals locked away in their pens and kids at home asleep.
But you are correct, I go past the play farm and have never seen animals or humans in the daytime, I wonder why ?

That’s the trouble, they’re not thinking. Different jobs awarded to different maintenance company’s who neither know nor care about what else is going on in the locality.

Wednesday night 3/5/2015 overnight closures! :unamused:

I have said it before the Highways Agency have become a standing joke amongst the overnight trunking companies.
How on earth you are supposed to run an efficient overnight time sensitive delivery business using the motorway network is beyond me it seems over this last four or five years that the overnight closures on our major roads has got totally and utterly out of hand.
The Highways Agency should be held accountable to someone but as we all know they are a law totally unto themselves.

If I get a reply, I’ll post it.

Doing this from my phone so might need resizing if someone would be so kind!

Another Weedon driving through Weedon again last night… A14 closed at kettering as well, so no chance of going that way. :frowning:

If I get a reply, I’ll post it.

Doing this from my phone so might need resizing if someone would be so kind!

Did you ever get a reply?

Nope, but I’ve been resending it every day.

I even rang them one night last week when I was slowed down to 40mph average speed for bridge repairs that nobody was working on. I asked them about their apparent lack of urgency to get the work done and they tried to tell me I was wrong and that a team was actually there working.

Was tempted to send them the dashcam footage proving that nobody was there and I had to slow from 55 to 40 for absolutely no reason, but I couldn’t be arsed.

Nope, but I’ve been resending it every day.

I even rang them one night last week when I was slowed down to 40mph average speed for bridge repairs that nobody was working on. I asked them about their apparent lack of urgency to get the work done and they tried to tell me I was wrong and that a team was actually there working.

Was tempted to send them the dashcam footage proving that nobody was there and I had to slow from 55 to 40 for absolutely no reason, but I couldn’t be arsed.

When they replaced the bridge bearings on the Thelwall they were working under the bridge deck but a hundred foot up in the air as you went over the top
news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/manc … 242437.stm

When they did the Bidson viaduct end of the M53, blokes were working inside the steelwork.
newsteelconstruction.com/wp/ … ngthening/

Sometimes you just don’t see what is going on, There was/is talk of more signage so people are more aware of what’s happening, ie materials curing, working under Bridge etc.

I can see the excuses now for the accidents :smiley: I was busy reading the signs officer and didn’t see everyone had stopped :smiley:

This was on the M5 not too far south of Weston Super Mare. Only a small overpass bridge.

All the floodlights were off, diggers etc all parked up, nobody on site at all but all the cones and speed limits, I’m guessing, just stay there permanently.

Why they had to slow everything down 1.5 miles before the bridge I’ve no idea.