High court rule on clean air BBC

BBC news interviews about diesel vehicles and pollution in city,s .London was cited as bad well …why have the national football stadium ,Olympic games a ll the other main events there if it is so dirty.We are a small over populated island that is why it is so dirty.

Strange that the “government” have taken this without a whimper.
And of course the real culprit is the good old diesel engine.
Not the “clean” two strokes they use in trains,not the heavy oil burners they use in ships,not even the un add blued,none egr,red burning fridge motors or construction equipment type of diesels
No the real culprits are the dirty common rail,high pressure,addblue,egr controlled,multi injectioned,DPF strangled diesels you find in trucks and cars.

And of course the only solution will be to penalise heavily all those heathens that drive these disgusting machines to get to and from work or deliver the crap that the rest of the country relies on.This will save 40,000 lives every year due to the increase in air quality and the sweet sweet sound of another load of [zb]s climbing on the gravy train.

How much longer are the sheeple going to swallow this crap?
Heard that these devils spawn engines cause Altzheimers now due to the microscopic iron particles that comes out the exhaust and screw up your brain function.


Where can you buy a petrol Scania anyone?

It’s happening because the particles are now so fine they go straight in to your blood stream where as in the past it would get stuck in you nose hair. But until a clean option is put forward that is economicly viable and will can be retro fitted cheeply to existing and new vehicles with out the need for a redesigned chassis or other components then things aren’t going to change. there was talk of a scrapage scheme again but that will only work for those that can afford to buy or lease a new car for those on a tight or low wage it will be unaffordable. So again will not reduce emissions enough

So how come these microscopic iron particles which must come from the cylinders or piston rings or other rubbing surfaces only come out of diesel engines and not petrol engines?
And all this nitrous oxide is formed because of high cylinder temperatures therefore the need for EGR to return inert burnt gas back into the cylinders to cool the combustion.
One problem with that is that petrol engines run much hotter than diesels,still ■■■■ in the oxygen and the nitrogen and produce temperatures where oxygen and nitrogen can form a double atom single molecule eg NOx.
So how is it diesels produce all the acid rain causing NOx and petrols only produce CO2 and CO?

It is nothing to do with health or climate…new road tax is going to stuff those with small economic engines ie those that now pay only zero or thirty pounds. dont be taken in by the king Canute brigade…(you no the guy who thought he could stop the tide comming in.