Hiding or Sorting Categories on Home Page

Hello, I’m just wondering if there is a way to hide or sort categories on the main page.

For example, I’d prefer the Professional Drivers and New and Wannabe categories to be the top 2 that I see on the main page, but I can’t find out how to do it for the life of me.

Any advice much appreciated!

At the top of the main page on the left is a list of the forums. Professional Drivers is already at the top. Just click on that and all you get is the latest PD posts. When you want New & Wannabe, just go back to main page and click on that. Hope that helps.

Hmm that’s weird. It’s 3rd from the top for me, with Website Information at the top.

Hmm, I’ll see if it works for me too but not far below I see dear old Chis Webb (dear old because he must be near me in age and we are all in that bracket, dear :joy:), are you still around Chris? :grinning: