HIAB Information

Hi all just wondered if anyone is aware of a HIAB that maybe for sale . i am not interested in the vehicle but the HIAB.

If possible a lorry loader that runs of a seperate engine would be fine as it is purley for training.

Any help on price possibilities are all welcome


You may be better looking at second hand trailers if you want a Hi-ab with a donkey engine on it. Then scrap or sell the trailer after you have removed the crane.

One of customers has recently purchased an ex Travis Perkins 18 tonner and removed the crane with block grab & rotator and fitted a cement mixer in it’s place (not a readymix drum) running off the PTO. Last time I went to their yard it was sitting there exactly as it had been removed. I’ve no idea if they still have it, want it or are looking to sell it.

It’d be worth giving them a try, ask for Clint or Robbie.


Another place where I’ve seen one is


Although I’ve no idea what condition it is in, when it was removed and what the plans are for it, could be worth a call.

Thanks for the info i will get onto it cheers