Hi guys and gals.. Newbie alert...!

Hi Everyone… :smiley:

I’m Chrisie… a 32yr old Class 2 driver who drives 7.5 tonners… still… :unamused:

I’ve just been to Truckfest in S-Mallet and it inspired me to search for a Trucky forum, as I usually hang out on PassionFord and talk nonsense about RS’s and Cossies…

I passed my test a couple of months ago, via Driver-hire and their free training, but have since been sooo busy with the 7.5 tonne reefers that I haven’t had a chance to look for another job…

I was a programmer for 10yrs and did electronics before that, but last year I realised I was never meant to be in an office and quite my £25k job to become a ‘panic driver’ on £5.25 and hour… :confused:

BEST thing I’ve ever done… :smiley: :smiley:

A year later, and I still can’t believe someone wants to pay me to drive their lorry… !!! It’s ACE…

So… enuf about me, who are you guys, and are there any other females out there… ■■?

Chrisie… :sunglasses:

hi chrisie(ragtop),first of all welcome to trucknet.this is where you’ll get all the answers to your questions.the guy’s and girl’s are all great on here,and there all great characters in there own way.we have a chatroom as you’ll notice at the top of the forum page and fri/sat nite is normally the busy time. most of the guy’s are away all week,either round the country or on the europeon runs.

so if you need a question answered pop it on here and it will be done.

it’s like ask 7 drivers the same question you’ll get 7 different answers you just pick the one that suits your question,the answers all mean the same just different wording.

but enjoy the forum’s which can get a bit heated at times but if everyone agreed with everyone else then it would not be a great forum,that is life.

i for one look forward to reading your post’s and your imputs and hope you enjoy it here.

once again welcome to trucknet the place for drivers

ps,can i have your 25k a year job please. :laughing:

Hi Chrisie
Welcome to TruckNet!!!
There a whole variety of forums to use. please add your tuppence worth to any posts that you find interesting, and dont be afraid to offer help and advice to anyone who asks… we dont bite :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: Well most of us dont :open_mouth: :wink:

In answer to the question of female drivers using the site… the user info poll forum HERE shows that 17 members own up to be being female.

The TruckNet UK director (LucyR) in charge of these forums is actually a female full time driver

I hope that you will find these forums entertaining, and informative… and enjoy them as so many others do!!

Hi KitKat… :wink:

Thankyou for your kind welcome… :smiley:

I’m working whenever the phone rings at the moment, so i’m in and out all the time…

I’m used to the banter off my car BB, so i’m sure you guys can’t offend me… :slight_smile:

Chrisie… :cool2: :smack:

Hi Ragtop & welcome to TruckNet.
I’m glad you came along.

The TruckNet UK director (LucyR) in charge of these forums is actually a female

:blush: :blush:

Hiya Chrisie (Ragtop)

Welcome to the site of Trucknet. You will find most of the people here friendly, :confused: most of the time anyway.

One of the members Tiggz did what you did, left a well paid job to become a truck driver, I hope you two dont end up fighting for work in that area :stuck_out_tongue:

Hiya chrissie :wink: :laughing: ,

welcome to trucknet…all of the above is about what i would say, so i aint gonna repeat it. but welcome anyway you’ll have fun here guarenteed :wink: :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Welcome lady :smiley:

So… enuf about me, who are you guys,

I am the goodlooking one! :grimacing: :wink:

Welcome to the mad world Chrisie, we’re a good bunch really… anyone seen my truck?

Could have sworn it was there 5 minutes ago…


Best thing i ever did was jacking my office job and fulfilling my dream… stares into the beautiful sunset! :laughing:

Catch ya laterz


Welcome Chrisie.
I’m the normal one :wink:


yeah right lol…does that dog look normal lol

sorry bully :blush: :wink: :laughing:

Hi Chrisie! :grimacing:

Just a quick hello…I’m only home for a short while, and even that’s unusual for a weekday as I’m a tramper (not sure what to do with myself to be honest! :blush: ), so sorry if this is brief…

…but Welcome[/i] to TruckNet UK!!! :wink: :sunglasses: :grimacing::g: :grimacing:

Hi chrisie

I see you made it over here then :sunglasses:


Hi. Chrisie
Welcome to the world of Trucking,I did 30 odd yearsand enjoyed most of it,every day was different,would certainly do it again given the chance.
All the best in your new life.
regards derek

A warm welcome to trucknet,a better trucking fourm you will not find :wink:

Welcome lady :smiley:

So… enuf about me, who are you guys,

I am the goodlooking one! :grimacing: :wink:

:open_mouth: :laughing: :open_mouth: :laughing: :open_mouth: :laughing: :open_mouth: :laughing: :open_mouth: :laughing: :open_mouth: .

Hi Chrisie, sorry it’s taken so long to welcome to you to the online havoc that is TruckNet, but I’ve only just managed to pick myself up off the floor :open_mouth: .

Bully’s the normal one■■? :open_mouth:
TC’s the goodlooking one■■? :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I’m sorry… I was looking for TRUCKNET UK■■? Am I lost? :wink:

Welcome Chrisie… good luck, you’ll need it if your gonna try to hold your own with these guys!!! :laughing:

welcome to the mad house

i’m also a female driver

just dont take notice of those boys :wink: :wink: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Welcome Chrisie, from all of us in America, and avid users of TrucknetUK, you will find a few of us Ex-Pats out here. I’m in Arizona, Cliff is in Georgia, Pat is in NY and Bully is in Ohio, there are a few more, but you will see more of us lot.



Thanks for the lovely welcome guys… :blush: :smiley: :smiley:

I’ve just managed to get my pc working again after a slight mishap with it and my foot… :blush: Kinda broke the usb socket… :unamused:

Hi Simon… (imagaine your :hello: here >>> )
Of all the BB’s, in all the world, I meet you in here… :open_mouth: Small world init… :slight_smile:

Just got back from a quick trip to Tesco’s Middleton with seven pallets of peaches, cuz the ones sent earlier were like cannonballs… ROCK HARD cannonballs… :smiley: Muppets…
Now i’m too awake to go to sleep, but too tired to go out… So I is surfing… :smiley:

Chrisie… :sunglasses: