Hi all

Hi to everyone,

Been reading the forums for a while now and need to ask a quick question.

Took my C+E In January and Got a full time job pretty much straight away.

Wanted to check on working hours though.

As far as I understand it in a week I can reduce my rest period to 9 hours on three occasions as long as I make it back up. Now my break this weekend is 52 hours 19.00 Friday - Midnight Sunday. I’ll actually run out about 3-4am on Monday but I guess this is part of next week so have discounted those extra hours.

As I see it I need to make up 6 hours from last week…( yup a long long week ) :slight_smile: Does the extra rest at the week end cover this or do I need to make up these 6 hours from my next working week?

Anyway thanks in advance for any help that can be provided.

Wellcome Steve88 go on to the vosa gov website and find GV262 drivers hours etc itsagood document mind its out of date by next month


Welcome to Trucknet and well done on getting a job so quickly.

As far as I’m aware you can make up your reduced daily rest hours either on either subsequent daily rest or on weekly as long as it made up before the end of the following week.

But this changes on April 11th when new tacho laws come in.

A breif expaninaton of the rules can be found here

Nice table comparing the rules on page 3.

Thanks for the replies and helpful links.

Noticed after I posted there is a section in the forums for this stuff as well …Oops.

Think I have it now as although I covered 65 hours my P.O.A took a big chunk of this and I did not even come close to the 48 hour limit.

I had overlooked that P.O.A does not count as part of your working time.

Think I’ll take a printout of the new rules and read them through thoroughly when I’m getting loaded/unloaded :slight_smile:

Thanks again for the help.