I paid £130.00 for mine and had to wait for 3 weeks to get an appointment.I could have gone to a place in ■■■■■■■■■■■ and got it for about £60.00 but that means wasting 3 hours and 2 gallons for the car.
Medicals should be done via the NHS so that everyone from any background gets the full version without being hampered by the range of fees touted for, what appears prima facie to be a subverse job.A forces medical is quite thorough. - No complaints with regards to THEIR effectiveness. The HGV medical for most parts takes too LITTLE time, and costs way too much at any cost when one considers the lack of tests done.
I can’t help but wonder if the number of us who die at the wheel might be lowered by a more thorough medical that picks up things like the onset of Diabetes, Hypertension, and cardio vascular diseases. The public need to be protected and so do we from corner-cutting cost-cutting 10 minute “cough and sign here” “quickies”.
Again, I hear what you’re saying. My first medical to actually gain my licence was a farce, nothing medical about it at all.
My second at 45yrs old was the first proper eye test I’ve done since I was a nipper. I’m glad I did it because it picked up a slight degeneration in my left eye. Nothing to worry about medically but it worried me because I’d picked up on a deterioration in my vision but couldn’t be arsed to book an appointment with the Rottweilers that GP appointments have to be booked with.
I use an organisation called ‘Doc’s on Wheels’. They’re fairly reasonable, less than half what my GP would charge, but I have to traipse to north of Peterborough.
I used the same firm 3 years ago in Ipswich, although they meet in any big city or town if i remember rightly ? It cost me £50 where as my doctor wanted £100 so i saved myself £50. I was well chuffed at the time
I am strongly suspicious of anyone coming on here touting their tender on any market.
Nothing has been touted.
I see a Dr asking a couple of questions in the OP and expressing a hope that they can help.
No company name has been mentioned.
No fee has been mentioned.
Therefore, by skilful posting, Forum Rule #5 has not been broken up to this point, and suggests that drcripps has taken time to read and respect the forum rules.
" Been allowed to join trucknet " - my arse! The automated sign-up system didn’t prevent you that’s all.
I’d say that “been allowed” is entirely accurate, because the TN sign-up system isn’t automated.
Got my first one booked soon, got to wait 2 weeks for the appointment because there has to be a certain amount of doctors in? Costing me £120
My last medical was with my own doctor and was free as I had retired and was only doing the odd voluntary job for a charity.
Whilst chatting with the doctor afterwards he told me that in his opinion to do the medical correctly he needed the persons medical records to be aware of any history that could affect driving ability later, only your own doctor would have access to those records. Without the medical history the doctor would have to rely on the honesty of the person to declare any pre-existing conditions or past medical issues! Makes sense to me
My last medical was with my own doctor and was free as I had retired and was only doing the odd voluntary job for a charity.
Whilst chatting with the doctor afterwards he told me that in his opinion to do the medical correctly he needed the persons medical records to be aware of any history that could affect driving ability later, only your own doctor would have access to those records. Without the medical history the doctor would have to rely on the honesty of the person to declare any pre-existing conditions or past medical issues! Makes sense to me
It does make sense, but when I had a HGV medical with my own doctor a few years ago he charged me £132 for less than 30 minutes work
And guess what, even though he was sat in front of the computer so had access to my records he still asked me the questions and ticked the boxes according to the answers I gave him
Mine was done by a bloke similar to Dr Nick off the Simpsons.
£60 and it lasted all of 5 minutes, He even asked me how to fill out the form. I should have charged him.
I know what you mean.
Mine cost me £90 4 years ago and I didn’t even sit down!!
“Your 21 with no allergies and you don’t wear glasses… Your fine”
Couldn’t believe it. No wonder, when you see the state of some drivers hobble across the lorry park.
made worse by the fact that when i gave him the money it goes straight into his back pocket 2 of them a day cha ching
I used Doctors on wheels.One call did it all.They got me a saturday appointment so did not have to take time off.
But anyone could wee in the pee pot sample.It is not checked who the urine belongs to.
I’ve just had mine for my class 2 ,it was done by the inhouse doctor at the training company and costs £50 .I was surprised at how many yes no questions i was asked ,surely the purpose is to find out if a bloke is fit to drive ,it’s a bit like asking a burglar if he robbed a house
I am strongly suspicious of anyone coming on here touting their tender on any market.Winseer,
Nothing has been touted.
I see a Dr asking a couple of questions in the OP and expressing a hope that they can help.
No company name has been mentioned.
No fee has been mentioned.
Therefore, by skilful posting, Forum Rule #5 has not been broken up to this point, and suggests that drcripps has taken time to read and respect the forum rules.Winseer:
" Been allowed to join trucknet " - my arse! The automated sign-up system didn’t prevent you that’s all.
I’d say that “been allowed” is entirely accurate, because the TN sign-up system isn’t automated.
Dieseldave, Thank you!
Am reading all comments with great interest.
Do folks think a doc should do a 5 min ‘medical’ for £15 or a thorough one?
£40… Someone on deaths door could have passed the doctor seemed more interested in getting the next guy in lol. Must be easy money for them
Do folks think a doc should do a 5 min ‘medical’ for £15 or a thorough one?
My £15 HGV medical was not a 5 minute medical, it was the same as the medical I had 5 years before with my own doctor and paid £132 for.
The £15 medical consisted of a urine test, eyesight test, blood pressure checked ec’t, it took about the same length of time as the medical with my own doctor.
The doctor who did it had retired from general practice and I believe he only did HGV medicals.
Do folks think a doc should do a 5 min ‘medical’ for £15 or a thorough one?My £15 HGV medical was not a 5 minute medical, it was the same as the medical I had 5 years before with my own doctor and paid £132 for.
The £15 medical consisted of a urine test, eyesight test, blood pressure checked ec’t, it took about the same length of time as the medical with my own doctor.
The doctor who did it had retired from general practice and I believe he only did HGV medicals.
That sounds the same as mine ,mine had to be on a tuesday as well as that was the only day the doc was in the training company ,mine was 50 quid though so my doc obviously goes to a more up market golf club
I have used the same doctor at a local practice,and it’s a good medical,nothing missed,takes about 20 minutes,and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
It’s always been £ 30.
With the new eyesight requirement on the D4,you can now have the doctor check your eyes,or your optician.
Being a pensioner,and having type 2 diabetes,the eye test is free anyway,you only have to pay for new specs if you need them,which I did because of the new eyesight standard.
I have had the last 5 at this practice,from when I was 66 till last month,I’m now 70.
The doc did ask me how long I’d be coming for a renewal,and I said that as long as I keep passing,I’ll keep coming.
I am strongly suspicious of anyone coming on here touting their tender on any market.Winseer,
Nothing has been touted.
I see a Dr asking a couple of questions in the OP and expressing a hope that they can help.
No company name has been mentioned.
No fee has been mentioned.
Therefore, by skilful posting, Forum Rule #5 has not been broken up to this point, and suggests that drcripps has taken time to read and respect the forum rules.Winseer:
" Been allowed to join trucknet " - my arse! The automated sign-up system didn’t prevent you that’s all.
I’d say that “been allowed” is entirely accurate, because the TN sign-up system isn’t automated.
I am strongly suspicious of anyone coming on here touting their tender on any market.Winseer,
Nothing has been touted.
I see a Dr asking a couple of questions in the OP and expressing a hope that they can help.
No company name has been mentioned.
No fee has been mentioned.
Therefore, by skilful posting, Forum Rule #5 has not been broken up to this point, and suggests that drcripps has taken time to read and respect the forum rules.Winseer:
" Been allowed to join trucknet " - my arse! The automated sign-up system didn’t prevent you that’s all.
I’d say that “been allowed” is entirely accurate, because the TN sign-up system isn’t automated.
DieselDave: If you’re vouching for this guy being a proper doc, then fair enough. I seem to recall having to put in DRIVER when opening an account… .This implies a parsar is used rather than some moderator reading through every sign-up, denying same IP address accounts, and the like. Perhaps entering DOCTOR needs a manual override to get the account opened, which of course means I stand corrected in what is indeed the use of “Allowed”. I’m still not quite sure however what kind of “help” can be offered here, beyond lobbying the MP to get medicals done on a two-hour thorough basis with the cost of over £100 met by the NHS in the name of public safety.
I don’t want to see some kind of “race to the bottom” in Doctor’s fees by cut-throat competition that’s all. All those bum hospitals out there got that way because money was cut from actual doctoring/caring rather than from the Nursing Officers, Administrators, Compliance Managers, Human RIghts Commissioners, etc etc which are where costs REALLY need to be cut - and soon!
IMO Health Care can’t BE too expensive. Use money currently wasted elsewhere on bean counters to pay for it, rather than whacking the public for more money, or the patient come to that.
Apologies to Dr Cripps - I figured you for an ATOS type doc rather than the hard-working GP/Registrar kind. As I don’t know you, I clearly shouldn’t presume anything about you that is constructed out of my trust issues and general cynicism.
My medical is due, so whilst having a general checkup last week I enquired as to when I could organise one with my “group practice”
The only times I could get was around 11 to 12 in the day, meaning taking a day off.
I know it’s only every five years, but I’m paying, but it has to be at a time to suite them.
Any way using google I found a medical centre at barnetby nr brigg that opens on Saturday morning.
It costs an extra £10.00, but I don’t care as I feel I have stuck two fingers up to the arrogant gets.
I don’t want to see some kind of “race to the bottom” in Doctor’s fees by cut-throat competition that’s all.
Why ?
This thread is about HGV medicals not general doctor practices, if someone offers drivers a way to save money where’s the problem, if anyone wants a thorough medical there’s nothing to stop them paying for one if they can’t get it on the NHS which most people can’t.
Had mine done here in France with my regular GP on my 4 monthly check up, he did all the tests etc signed my D4 and didn’t charge me anything now that’
s a result for me for a change.