HGV acceleration


I am doing some work on HGV investigation for a uni project, and just wondered if any one knew of good sources of information where i could start my investigations.


Welcome to Trucknet donnyboy1980 :smiley:
If you ask specific questions on this site then you are likely to get difinitive answers. There is a wealth of experience on here.

I am doing some work on HGV investigation

:laughing: That sounds ominous :open_mouth:

Hi donnyboy1980,


I’d agree with ROG, there’s no end of experience and expertise on here. You only have to ask.
Just a thought; please don’t be afraid to ask, because you’ve already said that you’re at uni, so people should take that into account.
In turn, please take it easy on us, because my days at uni weren’t spent doing rocket science :wink:

Cheers guys;

part of what i am looking at is HGV acceleration over certain distances. I need to produce acceleration curves plotting speed against distance. I am trying to find formulae that have alraedy been derived following previous studies. Also as part of car specs you regularly get 00-60 times; do HGVs have similar 0-40 or 0-56 times?

any help much appreciated.


:smiley: Never seen such figures myself. Most manufacturers are more into fuel figures :smiley:
What you have to remember is that there are so many variables involved in the figure you require that are not relevant to car acceleration figures which hav more constants :wink:
For example height of trailer relative to wind resistance. Trucks pull a multitude of trailers all of which have different drag coefficients. Also given the relative size a 1 mph headwind, for example, would have more effect on a truck than a car :wink:
Different trucks and trailers also have different axle configurations and thus different amounts of friction / resistance.
Personally I would suggest contacting the major manufacturers.
Firstly you would have to arrive at a common specification though for comparative purposes :wink:

For example the fairly standard UK general haulage set up for purposes of commonality could be assumed to be :
6 x 2 Tractor
4.2metre tautliner trailer
420 - 450 hp
gross weight of 44,000 kgs
give this set up to all manufacturers and see what they come up with :smiley:

Hope this helps :wink:

Cheers guys;

part of what i am looking at is HGV acceleration over certain distances. I need to produce acceleration curves plotting speed against distance. I am trying to find formulae that have alraedy been derived following previous studies. Also as part of car specs you regularly get 00-60 times; do HGVs have similar 0-40 or 0-56 times?

any help much appreciated.


I’m sure someone here will be willing to do some testing for you… :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


These guys may be able to help you mira.co.uk/

Thanks a lot for your help on this! I will try that website.

Cheers!! :smiley:

montana man:
… snip …
4.2metre tautliner trailer

Hope this helps :wink:

That would be 14.2 metre trailer I suppose :wink:

Can I ask why you are specifically interested in HGV acceleration?

That would be 14.2 metre trailer I suppose :wink:

I took MM’s “4.2” to mean a typical height, rather than a mis-type of length. I’m not into this physics stuff myself, but IMHO I don’t think the length would have much bearing as a factor in the original question, whereas the height could :wink:


That would be 14.2 metre trailer I suppose :wink:

I took MM’s “4.2” to mean a typical height, rather than a mis-type of length. I’m not into this physics stuff myself, but IMHO I don’t think the length would have much bearing as a factor in the original question, whereas the height could :wink:

You indeed took it correctly DD :laughing: :wink:

Commercial Motor record the acceleration up to 80kmph of units they try out, all tests are done with their own trailer ballasted up to 40 or 44 tonnes to try and keep things scientific :confused: but the British weather on test day can have a big impact on the results :unamused:


That would be 14.2 metre trailer I suppose :wink:

I took MM’s “4.2” to mean a typical height, rather than a mis-type of length. I’m not into this physics stuff myself, but IMHO I don’t think the length would have much bearing as a factor in the original question, whereas the height could :wink:

Ah yes of course :blush:

Hey, a quick thought though: presumably a trailer with more axles / wheels will have more drag than one with fewer, and therefore lower acceleration…

I suppose length / height factors are more measurable in terms of fuel economy and don’t have an easily measurable effect on acceleration.

It would be interesting to know more about your study.

Big Joe:
Commercial Motor record the acceleration up to 80kmph of units they try out, all tests are done with their own trailer ballasted up to 40 or 44 tonnes to try and keep things scientific :confused: but the British weather on test day can have a big impact on the results :unamused:

This weeks CM 0-80 kph
Volvo FH480 48.5 secs
DAF XF510 46.8 secs
Scania R500 58.8 secs


montana man:
… snip …
4.2metre tautliner trailer

Hope this helps :wink:

That would be 14.2 metre trailer I suppose :wink:

Can I ask why you are specifically interested in HGV acceleration?

no it would be a 4.2 metre trailer a 14.2 metre would be about 50 foot ish tall :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Thanks for those figures!
It was a thought for a subject for a final year project. It seems there isnt any of that info about or what i have found is dated. given the variables i dont think i will be able to go ahead. thanks anyway for your suggestions and advice.