Hg atlas

I’m new, so I hope I’m posting this in the right place. I’m also biting my nails in case I’ve broken any rules. If I have, it’s unintentional!

H J Atlas was Hussain Jafari’s company. It was one of a group of companies he bought when he left Bristol University, where he was doing business studies. I believe, but don’t know for certain, that his dad funded all of it. Certainly, there were suddenly a lot of Rolls Royces, Mercedes, Jaguars and so on around. As I remember it, he had a chipboard factory and a paint factory as well.

He hired me to get his yellow DAFs doing middle east work. I think I was working for Groupex (remember - UK-Greece?) at the time. My main qualification for the job was that Jafari was going out with my sister-in-law. I had no previous experience of transport operations, and was only in my early 20s.

Up until this time his trucks had done little work, often being used by drivers to take their wives shopping or their kids on a day out. The golden rule was never turn up in the depot! The company only had flatbed trailers at the time.

I don’t pretend I was brilliant at the job, and I did make lots of mistakes. However, before long those yellow DAFs were doing the run regularly to Iran, Iraq and beyond. One of the first things I did was hire Tyrone Jarvis as transport manager. He wasn’t universally liked, but was energetic - and experienced in middle east work. I learned a lot from him.

There were issues with the business side of the company, which I don’t want to drag up here. Save to say that I don’t think it’s fair to blame the drivers for the demise of the company as some have suggested. If I say that shortly after I resigned the police raided the offices. I think that’s enough.

I found Jafari a likeable fellow, if somewhat detached from business realities. He used to have a charming “bodyguard” called Jallali, if I remember correctly.

I once said to Jafari that I’d feel a lot more confident about running the fleet if I had an HGV1 licence - perhaps the drivers would respect me more. He said he didn’t believe I could pass the test, and we had a bet together. If I passed, he would pay for the lessons and test. If I failed, I would foot the bill. I’m glad to say I passed and, true to his word, he paid up. It led me to many happy years driving trucks all over the place, including the middle east.

I remember the drivers others have named. Many of those who drove for H J Atlas were, in my view, fine men.

My first post too. My Dad did 2 trips to Iran in the mid 70’s for HJ Atlas, at the time he had no international experience and they gave him the chance.

The 2 trips gave him the deposit for my parents first house. I have loads of photo’s somewhere, I will dig them out.


Glad your dad was given a chance. We all need that.

I should have said that the depot was in Third Way, Avonmouth, the same road as Kuehne & Nagel and Schenkers at the time.

does any body remember or have any pictures of H G altas from bristol area
they did a lot of middle east work

Hi mate

I have a few H G atlas pics from one source or another. Mainly DAFs.
Not sure if you are aware, but im writing a book about the Middle East and im trying to keep thes photos “secret” til its done.

If you send me a quick “hello” e mail to my adreess below, ill return it with a couple of pics.

Tell me, why are you asking for info? did you work there? I’d like to get more info too to accompany the pics. Can you help? All I really know is that it was owned by an Iranian…



thanks ash you have a email .cheers jeff :smiley:

I am not 100% sure but perhaps somebody from that area may know but I think the yard was on Pucklechurch Industrial Est. If I am correct it was next to Mike Brewers yard. Mike also used to run m/e mainly I think to Davis Turner compound at Tehran. Mike used to be a very good friend of mine but he had marital problems and we lost touch. I am sure many would remember him as he had a very bad stutter but a super bloke. If anyone out there knows him then he’ll have all the info that you need.

Hi mate

I have a few H G atlas pics from one source or another. Mainly DAFs.
Not sure if you are aware, but im writing a book about the Middle East and im trying to keep thes photos “secret” til its done.

If you send me a quick “hello” e mail to my adreess below, ill return it with a couple of pics.

Tell me, why are you asking for info? did you work there? I’d like to get more info too to accompany the pics. Can you help? All I really know is that it was owned by an Iranian…



The correct name was H J Atlas and the initials stood for Hussein Jafari. He is Iranian and he still lives in Bristol. I worked for him in the late 70’s and again about fiffteen years ago. In the early 80’s I owned the first brand new Kenworth K100 cabover in the country and was featutred in Truck Magazines “Long Distance Diary” with Phill Llewellin. I was pulling for Grangewoods of Greenwich at the time but Phil and I did a trip to southern Italy to the earthquake area. If anyone wants any other info I would be happy to oblige. PS I was a very good friend of Mike Brewers and the last I heard he was running a 7.5 tonner on for Target.

Hi Gerry,thanks for the update on Mike Brewer its good to hear he’s still around and active. Last time I saw him was in Portugal but that was back in the late 70’s or early 80’s and although we had a meal and drink together we didn’t exchange phone numbers. Sad 'cause we always got on really well.