Hewson Brothers Howden

Sorry guys, do not know the surname.Know the shop that you refer to, but I had left Howden by then, so not so familiar with the people of that era in Howden.
I’ll ask my cousin David Now living over in Cyprus who will know.
Wheelnut , I am off up to Yorkshire tomorrow and hoping to pop in to see Bernard whilst I am there.Any message you wish me to pass on ?

Just give him my best wishes, tell him Malc from the Rose and Crown or Digs lad said so.

Ask him if they have electric in Sandholme yet, and if so to have a read of Trucknet, he can still turn grown men to Jelly

Didn’t they call the folks that had the bike shop Head, can’t remember the Dads name but think the son was called Mike, have not seen him about for ages but was running a driving school a few years ago. Always remember drooling over the Malugutti mopeds they had in shop when I was about 15 in 1977 bloody hell time goes quick.

Didn’t they call the folks that had the bike shop Head, can’t remember the Dads name but think the son was called Mike, have not seen him about for ages but was running a driving school a few years ago. Always remember drooling over the Malugutti mopeds they had in shop when I was about 15 in 1977 bloody hell time goes quick.

I got the same answer about Mike Head from Cush Cowling today,so cheers for confirming it Andy. I will have to search some old race programmes for his name, he used to race with Conways mate from Manchester if I remember rightly.

I am not sure if this AEC has been posted, but it came from M200 PAL on his account.

Hewsons AEC.JPG

Can anybody remeber Colin Conway from Howden who drove for Johns Manville. I remember he turned the motor over at Gyme corner. Wonder what happened to him?

eyup wheelnut wonder who.s fibbing who ther in that pic :laughing:

Can anybody remeber Colin Conway from Howden who drove for Johns Manville. I remember he turned the motor over at Gyme corner. Wonder what happened to him?

A good mate is Colin, or should I saw was. not sure if he is still with us but I haven’t seen him for a few years. I was at school with his daughter and friends with him and his second wife / partner Sue.

He drove for Rex Congdon out of Launceston, Sanderson (Wifeswap) Skelton, Hauliers of Goole, Lep Transport, Springfield Haulage and many others.

I will find out if he is still wick, a lovely rough arsed bloke who could drink like a fish and ride a motorbike :stuck_out_tongue:

eyup wheelnut wonder who.s fibbing who ther in that pic :laughing:

I thought I had seen it before :stuck_out_tongue:

It does keep them all in one place, my F10 is on his site too.

Wheel Nut:

Can anybody remeber Colin Conway from Howden who drove for Johns Manville. I remember he turned the motor over at Gyme corner. Wonder what happened to him?

A good mate is Colin, or should I saw was. not sure if he is still with us but I haven’t seen him for a few years. I was at school with his daughter and friends with him and his second wife / partner Sue.

He drove for Rex Congdon out of Launceston, Sanderson (Wifeswap) Skelton, Hauliers of Goole, Lep Transport, Springfield Haulage and many others.

I will find out if he is still wick, a lovely rough arsed bloke who could drink like a fish and ride a motorbike :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi Wheel Nut.
I used to know Colin very well having spent many an hour drinking with him in the Cross Keys in Howden. He was a hell of a character, we once went to Hull fair and he got steamed up and wanted to fight everybody. There were some good lads went in the keys in those days, Malc Day, John Tiplady the Rook boys. Colin was older than me and I just wondered if he was still with us because he certainly lived life on the edge.


Wheel Nut:

Can anybody remeber Colin Conway from Howden who drove for Johns Manville. I remember he turned the motor over at Gyme corner. Wonder what happened to him?

A good mate is Colin, or should I saw was. not sure if he is still with us but I haven’t seen him for a few years. I was at school with his daughter and friends with him and his second wife / partner Sue.

He drove for Rex Congdon out of Launceston, Sanderson (Wifeswap) Skelton, Hauliers of Goole, Lep Transport, Springfield Haulage and many others.

I will find out if he is still wick, a lovely rough arsed bloke who could drink like a fish and ride a motorbike :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi Wheel Nut.
I used to know Colin very well having spent many an hour drinking with him in the Cross Keys in Howden. He was a hell of a character, we once went to Hull fair and he got steamed up and wanted to fight everybody. There were some good lads went in the keys in those days, Malc Day, John Tiplady the Rook boys. Colin was older than me and I just wondered if he was still with us because he certainly lived life on the edge.

Bloody Hell if the devil had a net!

Malc Day (Dayo) *Top Star)
Nigel Hood
John Malcolmson (Malcy)

What sort of year are you thinking? When I was a kid there was an away darts match and these lads were at my dads pub. 5 minutes later the traffic was stopped outside and there were two or maybe three of them killed. I remember it well because I fell over one of the bodies

Definitely a Rooke, Stephen Dunn, and Nigel was very badly hurt, he is ok now though and still drinks in Howden.

It was an experience being with those blokes in my formative years. Hard Men, Hard Drinking and Hard to Forget.

I have asked another old mate for some news of Conway, he still lives on the same estate, as he has for 50 years.

Wheel Nut:

Can anybody remeber Colin Conway from Howden who drove for Johns Manville. I remember he turned the motor over at Gyme corner. Wonder what happened to him?

A good mate is Colin, or should I saw was. not sure if he is still with us but I haven’t seen him for a few years. I was at school with his daughter and friends with him and his second wife / partner Sue.

He drove for Rex Congdon out of Launceston, Sanderson (Wifeswap) Skelton, Hauliers of Goole, Lep Transport, Springfield Haulage and many others.

I will find out if he is still wick, a lovely rough arsed bloke who could drink like a fish and ride a motorbike :stuck_out_tongue:

Col passed away 3/4 years ago he was working for murphy in london for years the story is murphy paid for him to go in a home as he had both legs amputated

Bloody hell Stevo that has hit me hard. I was knocking about with that bunch of guys round about 40+ years ago in the late 60s when I lived in Rawcliffe. The Rook boys used to work on the stone boats in Rawcliffe and were as hard as bloody nails but we all respected each other. I used to think Dayo was a top man he worked for Alf Tomassy (spelling) thye agricultural contractor and we had many a session in the keys and the club where Ida Tiplady worked. I remeber John Tiplady had a dog and it went loopy so he shot it through the serving hatch in the back kitchen, Ida went bloody mental. I went out with Johns Sister for a while. But Conway was allways the Daddy and I would rather have him at my back than anyone else. They were hard guys but never ever caused any trouble. I shall raise a glass to Conway tonight. God bless you Col. RIP.


Wheel Nut:

Can anybody remeber Colin Conway from Howden who drove for Johns Manville. I remember he turned the motor over at Gyme corner. Wonder what happened to him?

A good mate is Colin, or should I saw was. not sure if he is still with us but I haven’t seen him for a few years. I was at school with his daughter and friends with him and his second wife / partner Sue.

He drove for Rex Congdon out of Launceston, Sanderson (Wifeswap) Skelton, Hauliers of Goole, Lep Transport, Springfield Haulage and many others.

I will find out if he is still wick, a lovely rough arsed bloke who could drink like a fish and ride a motorbike :stuck_out_tongue:

Col passed away 3/4 years ago he was working for murphy in london for years the story is murphy paid for him to go in a home as he had both legs amputated

Col passed away 3/4 years ago he was working for murphy in london for years the story is murphy paid for him to go in a home as he had both legs amputated

Cheers Steve.

Am I right in thinking you have a brother called Kevin?

Chris Webb:

Wheel Nut:

Chris Webb:
That’s him Malc,Bulliment.I got a lift from the Oakamoor to Woodhall in one of their Scania-Vabis and was suitably impressed having just got out of my AEC MK3. :smiley: It would be around 1970.
I remember Harpers as well and I’ve heard of the Earl de Grey but never went in - a bit of a reputation as I recall.

The Earl de Grey was famous for ladies, :wink: :wink: and a few drivers parked around the pub for extra security :stuck_out_tongue:

Whilst we are in the area Malc who was the haulier in Newport(or was it Gilberdyke) left hand side of A63 coming towards Goole.They ran some big motors,F88s and maybe 89s.

I didnt know where to put these so here will do.

Note to Chris Webb. The Bulliment you remember was Eric who had the yard in Howden. This one is Mac, (Malcolm) in Sandholme, no direct relation.

Hewson Brothers Howden to H B Holt


Holts for Haulage.jpg

HB Holt.jpg

And a few more from the same stable of thoroughbreds.

saw a new Holt FH yesterday in Goole, looked smart. Sure it was a different reg to that one though

here’s some of my old Howden firm pics again:

Cheers Kev, I think there are three new FH in the yard

they certainly keep on top of their motors. it’s cracking fleet and a credit to them considering they’re a small concern

they always have the personal plates too! :laughing:

Good to see those Hewson Brothers Transconti’s again, thanks for putting them on the Hewson thread Kev. :smiley: