
After 5 weeks of pain and anguish with doctors telling me that the pain in my side and back going down to my groin is likely to be a kidney stone or infection,but all the blood and urine tests not showing this.
This morning the 9th doctor ive seen in 5 weeks examined me more thoroughly than any of the others tells me hes 99% certain ive got a hernia ,waiting now for an urgent ultra sound appointment and signed off for 2 weeks.
does anybody know what i can expect in terms of treatment and recovery?
i think he mentioned an inguinal hernia.

My son had this op when 9 week old can be done as a day case ( normal ) it is fairly straight forward but not sure the recovery time on it would think approx 4-6 weeks

hi mate , i got the op for the same as you have last august.op is pretty staight forward takes about an hour , they put a mesh membrane in and staple it to the muscle wallto hold everything in … a word of caution though , take as much time as you need to get over the operation and let everything heal up . … i am going back in for another operation for the same hernia above my belly button cause i went back to work after 6 weeks off , well had to really , i donrt get paid when im off onlly ssp . which is 80 quid a week or summit … and i done my gut in again in december , so more time off work and no pay again . …this time i wont be liftin nowt heavier than my baccy tin …, another thing when the first one started playin up i was trunking down to warrington for a changeover and got the most painfull guts . had to get the other driver to change trailers for me , when i got back home i had to go straight to hospital a&e as the pain was that bad . they took x-rays and came back sayin that my hernia in there opinion was strangulated and i should get myself into the royal infirmary in edinbugh A.S.A.P…they had a bed there for me and a surgeon that was gonna do the op there and then…docs managed to untwist my guts without op , and i was in there for 2 days … so if you get real bad pain pay heed to it mate cause the strangulated thing can be fatal they told me .dead in 12hrs seemingly …hope this helps , take care

Thanks very much Animal and you Gadge,mines down near my groin and bloody painful at times and gives me pain down in the testicle and up to my kidney.
Like you i wont be getting paid either ,so was hoping it might be a quick fix ,but from what you say thats not going to happen.
hope yours goes ok mate and thanks for the info .
take care

nae bother , for the first 2 weeks you aint even allowed to lift a kettle of water … hope you have an understanding wife … :smiley: . ok lad take it easy …if you go to you tube and type in hernia hotline , vic reeves and bob mortimer do a good ■■■■ take of it …cheerz

i had an inguinal hernia for 12 years. kept putting it off as i’m terrified of hospitals. anyway finally succumbed and had it done 10 weeks ago. i honestly wish i hadn’t been so soft and had it done earlier. like others have said, take it steady and do exactly what they say. the worst thing is daytime telly and the first dump afterwards :open_mouth:
good luck.

Tell you what humbug the pain im in at the moment and the swelling in the right side of my testicle/scrotum id have it done right now if they offered it to me.
Kept me awake most of the night last night ,ive got doctors appointment in the morning and an ultra sound in the afternoon,im just praying they do something soon cos its bloody doing me in.
did yours affect your testes area aswell or just the groin?

i’ve had 2 Hernias, 1st one repaired in 1998, 2nd appeared about 4 months after having 1st repaired, and was repaired in 2007 (because I kept putting it off). As said above, take as much time to recover as you need, 1st time I was off for 6 weeks, 2nd I was off for nearly 2 months. And, take the painkillers they give you, you’ll be ever so slightly tender afterwards (I’ve never been kicked in that region by a horse, but I’d say thats roughly what the feeling was like afterwards). All in all, take it easy and rest.

calebs gramps:
Tell you what humbug the pain im in at the moment and the swelling in the right side of my testicle/scrotum id have it done right now if they offered it to me.
Kept me awake most of the night last night ,ive got doctors appointment in the morning and an ultra sound in the afternoon,im just praying they do something soon cos its bloody doing me in.
did yours affect your testes area aswell or just the groin?

Lay on your back, and you should be able to, using a little pressure, push it back in to where its meant to be, and it pretty much puts an end to the pain, almost instant relief. I found that taking some Ibuprofen helped as well when the pain kicked in and the hernia popped out.

calebs gramps:
Tell you what humbug the pain im in at the moment and the swelling in the right side of my testicle/scrotum id have it done right now if they offered it to me.
Kept me awake most of the night last night ,ive got doctors appointment in the morning and an ultra sound in the afternoon,im just praying they do something soon cos its bloody doing me in.
did yours affect your testes area aswell or just the groin?

groin at first then down to the scrotum. had a nut the size of a jaffa orange.
i had my operation 10 weeks ago and everything was doing just great until tonight when part of the scar that was a bit lumpy has decided to split open. been to the drop in centre and they reckon it’s an infection bursting out.
good luck with yours, better to get it done early as they only get worse as i found out.