Hi all, had open surgery to get a hernia repair done in my left groin. Anyone give me any advice when it’s advisable to go back? I’m 4 weeks post-op tomorrow and bored out of my mind sitting about the house, not to mention incap benefit as i did agency work before…
Hi there…when I had my appendix out 20 years ago, I wasn’t allowed to work for 6 weeks (or so they said!).
When my wife had the kids by C Section she was told the same…no lifting etc for at least 6 weeks.
To be honest, I think they just say that to cover their own arses and I think it’s very much a subjective thing.
There’s always the the old chestnut of “insurance implications” if you have a bump driving when the doc said not to, but if you go to your GP and he/she says you’re OK to drive, then get yersen back to work…but be careful not to give yourself another hernia lifting etc
The human body is remarkably resilient (especially if you’re from Yorkshire )
6 to 8 weeks with out a doubt,mind when I had mine done a supervisor said to me ‘dont think you’re gonna have 6 months off with that’
So I didnt,I took 8,
one of the perks of the railway
thanks Shrek, i’m still a bit sore, but am driving the car, although don’t know about 400 miles a shift yet…
Be cool to know if any drivers went back around the 4-6 weeks mark and had any recurrances…
Ok Im a bus driver and not a truck driver, but last April I had the hernia operation and they said I coul go back to work and driving after 2 weeks and I never had any recurrances…
Hi all, had open surgery to get a hernia repair done in my left groin. Anyone give me any advice when it’s advisable to go back? I’m 4 weeks post-op tomorrow and bored out of my mind sitting about the house, not to mention incap benefit as i did agency work before…
My quack’s pretty laid back, he says just come back if i want to go back, else he’ll keep signing me off.
I just was curious to other driver’s opinion’s as with agency work i can be tipping one day, supermarket drops the next, so i don’t want to go back early and get a load of cages full of lager to awkward, uphill, back-door tips [somerfield]
hi all, well, i’m 8 weeks post-op and got no job but been offered a job starting next monday night, which will be nearly 9 weeks post-op, on trunking.
I seen the doc today and she said OK but take it real easy for next 3 weeks before doing any heavy lifting, that why i’m taking the trunk work, as i’ve just got to drive and pull the pin a couple of times then shift finished.
Thanks for all the advice, may see some of you on the 6 at night…
I had a Hernia Operation last June, stomach though not groin.
I was back driving after 8 weeks, although i didnt do any lifting or anything in that time. The most i did was couple up and open the trailer doors, which was still painful enough. I think it was 5 weeks before i started to do anything strenuous. I still get very occasional twinges in my stomach now, 10 months on!
Hi all, had open surgery to get a hernia repair done in my left groin. Anyone give me any advice when it’s advisable to go back? I’m 4 weeks post-op tomorrow and bored out of my mind sitting about the house, not to mention incap benefit as i did agency work before…
thanks in advance
Hi had my right groin done in january 08 went back to work after 4 weeks, it was ok for the first week taking it very steady getting as much help as poss. Been ok ever since but still taking it easy,my advise to you is to take as much time of as poss i.e 6 weeks. Hope it all is ok take easy on the day time tv.